
When will my son start kidnergarten?

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he was born december 2006, and i can't figure out if he will start 2011 or 2012




  1. 2012, because he won't be 5 by the Sept 1st cut off date in 2011.

    We have the same issue with our son except his b-day falls only one week after the cutoff. My brother was born the day of cutoff so he was always the youngest in his class. I've heard a lot that if you can to let boys wait until the next year to start.

  2. 2012  @ 5.5 y/o

  3. Should be 2012. Most states cut off date is 12/1 or earlier.

  4. 2012 they start at 5 years old

    I always get confused because I have Nov babies

    In Sept 07 he was not even a year






  5. he won't turn 5 until dec of 2011 so he will start the beginning of the next school year 2012  .  It depends on your state rule also, but with a dec birthday it should be fall of 2012  It's to your son's advantage as well.  He will be one of the older kids in his class and for boys, that makes a lot of difference.

  6. You basically get to choise. Or you could call a local kindergarten and ask them what they think.

  7. He'll start in 2012.  If he started in 2011 he would only be 4 and most schools have a cut-off date as far as age.  Generally they have to be 5 by the end of Sept. to be able to start.  Don't worry, though...he's better off waiting until he's closer to 6.

  8. 2012, i am a big advocate for keeping kids at home as long as possible and put them in preschool.  They are more mature and adjust quicker.  be happy your child will be older when he starts.  Good luck and let the fun begin.

  9. depends on where you live.  different schools have different cut-off dates.  Often the cut-off is turning 5 by the beginning of the school year; sometimes the cutoff is the end of the calendar year.  You can check with your school.

  10. The cut of date is September 1st. He must be 5 by September 1. so your son will be almost 6 when he starts kindergarten.

  11. 2012. He needs to be 5 before September 1st. We don't qualify for any pre-schools that are free, so I home school our 4 yr old.

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