
When will my tmj go away?

by  |  earlier

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Hi there,

I have had TMJ for 3-4 weeks now. I saw a doctor at the walk-in who prescribed me an anti-inflammatory. I took one pill and was so nauseous i didn't bother with them anymore, i also dont think anti-inflammatories are going to fix the problem.

When is this going to go away? I cannot see my dentist right now b/c I do not have benefits at the moment. I found a mouth guard at the store but it was so uncomfortable and clunky their is no way i could use it.

What can I do to make this go away soon, so frusturating! I just dont know how long this is going to last? Another week? Another year? NO CLUE! Could anyone shed some light on this?




  1. Sorry, but no standard answer for that. Was your TMJ pain brought on by injury? Stress? New dental work? Every one is different and how long the pain lasts is different as well. Try alternating cold/hot compresses. 20 minutes on, 20 off a few times a day. Bags of frozen veggies work really well for this, just hold them against your face.Open as wide as is comfortable,hold and stretch,3 sets of ten. For the hot compress, get a wash cloth, run it under warm water, as warm as you can tolerate, reheat as needed.We have used this in our practice for years, helps many with TMJ.

  2. first of all, TMJ is (temporo-mandibular joint) which everyone has you might have TMD (temporo-mandibular disorder). Now as mention above soreness in that area could be brought on by several things. If the anti-inflamatory prescription made you nauseous you should go back and tell the doctor what happen when you took the medication, to try something else. I am sorry to say this but if you don't get help soon it might just get worst. Hope you will be better soon.

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