
When will my true love come?

by  |  earlier

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I've had several boyfriends before, but none of them even lasted for 8 months, i don't go looking for them, im not that kind of person. When will my real love come?

When did yours come? Thanks!




  1. when he finds you. ask someone how long a piece of string is. just relax, he will come someday. or maybe you wanted to hear:

    i'm a psychic and i know all. he will visit your house tomorrow at exactly 2pm.

    lol x

  2. Well our answer is.. there is no answer.

    Basically in my eyes it's all action and consequence.. (fate as some people call it).  We do not have the power to change your fate therefore we can't answer that question.  

    But if you don't look then what about the other person?  Yous both will be waiting for true love.  None of yous will be together if you both sit and wait.  Look for him and wait which then increases you're chances of finding him doesn't it?

  3. It will come when you least expect it

  4. the 23rd of december 2007, The minute are lips locked I knew there had to be more then just a drunken kiss,I never thought that someone I liked could actually fall in love with me,as I did for him!,Hes the best thing that ever happened to me,and If id never met him i'd be in a horrible place right now he got me trough some hard times and I love him and will never ever find anyone like him,My Savior, My soul mate, My best-friend..My everything!:)

  5. Never has, Prehaps its you im looking for all these years?

  6. I think that you have a tiny problem . I think that you still have no image of your dream guy . You should form an image first ( What does he look like ? What type of people is he ? Do you want him forever or just for having fun ? ). You should open your heart to everyone and take the one who really loves you for your soul ,and you will be really happy :) .

    I had only one dream lady :P . However , I'd try ,but I know that I'm going to fail for many reasons ,but after her there will be no better . However , I'm satisfied in the worst situations . I'm a social person .

  7. It comes when you say the magic word. You can find out what the word is at The Office. However, The Office is closed on week days and only open on sundays from 1:00 till 1:01. Don't ask me where it is because i don't know. You'd have to ask Santa but he only comes around once a year.

  8. out of the blue....i met mine while in a party with my astranged husband!

  9. the odds are you have already met him, you just don't realise it...<^><...

  10. I didn't find my husband until I stopped looking for him.  I had come to the realization that God would bring us together when the time was right & that I needed to be patient & quit trying to push it.  Two months later, I met my husband & we were married almost 7 months to the day after we met.  We will be celebrating our 4th anniversary on the 25th of this month.  

  11. my came in december 2007

  12. no one can answer that for you u can can have several realtionships and then one day when ur not expecting they are there sometimes they have always been there and u just havent known that,trust me it will come there is a true love out there for everyone  

  13. i met my first love in the 7th grade. liked him for a while.. then got with him in the 9th grade. i fell in love december of 2008. been with him ever since. for two years almost. but it takes time. dont rush things. it will come when you least expect it.

  14. mine came when i didnt want one but knocked me off my feet and hes the best. it is when you least expect it and you will know right away , I did!!!!

  15. True love is a matter of personal perception. Some people spend their entire lives looking for true love whilst others find it in the span of a few minutes.

    It's different for everyone. I have not found true love yet, I am much like you, I don't go actively searching for love, which works against me because I'm a guy. We're EXPECTED to make the first move. :P

    Either way, I hope you find yours one day. ^_^ Just be patient and give it time.

  16. maybe because your just going a bit too fast wait for mr right that is what i am doing be patient.

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