
When will non-gas powered cars get standardized?

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Ever? I mean, there are already tons of electric cars on the market with, as far as I know, no drawbacks. Plus, there seems to be cars being created that run on water, vegetable oil, etc.

We can't use gas-powered cars forever!




  1. No drawbacks? Where do you live?

    Start with price, range, charging times for electric.

    An electric car cost more then a conventional car, they all have limited range, and at best you sit for fifteen minuets or more for an 80% quick charge. So with a conventional car I get a nicer car for a cheaper price and my recharge time is measure in minuets, maybe a few more if I buy snacks. I don’t worry about how much the cold is going to cut into my range.

    The water powered car is probably breaking apart water with a chemical reaction, there are several that could work, ALL have the same problem, that is you spend a lot of energy reclaiming the catalyst.

    Vegetable oil, used oil is going up in price as more and more people use it, and with the exception of algae oil you can’t grow enough plants to meet the energy needs of the US. Algae oil is at least 5 years away (more like 10 with out a big breakthrough), although the test plants look promising. But going to vegetable oil will add about $5,000 to the cost of a full sized car.

  2. Standardized......

    I was hoping for an automatic.

    You're right......We can't use gas-powered cars forever.

    Only for a tankful.

  3. Stop dreaming and accept that if it gets changed U will need to do it,instead of setting on the side and gripe.

  4. hopefully enough people make the move to something more practical like air cars, its up to the people to make the change check out for information on how air cars work

  5. When gas gets so expensive that people will only buy non-gas powered vehicles. That movement has already begun and we see the effects of it with car makers closing truck factories, discontinuing the production of large SUVs, and focusing on smaller, more efficient vehicles.

    The technology for cars to run on water, veg oil, or cheaper means of fuel has been around forever. They haven't become popular because the government focused all its attention and money towards the oil producers. Why? Because almost every big wig had investments in the oil companies and still do.

  6. there already is . it is now possible to make a car that runs on water seriously here go to this link its a guide on how to change your car from gas to a water fueled car, step by step so that even the general public can achieve this. it will cost its says from 60 to 150 dollars.

  7. My cars run on natural gas (methane), so they are already "non-standard". So far, the biggest drawback to non-standard cars is refueling them. If enough people get on their local politicians, maybe some incentives will get put out there for installing more alternative fuel pumps at gas stations. Natural gas is a great alternative - 99% cleaner than gasoline cars, and way cheaper to fill up ($8 in Utah for me). And the carmakers know how to make these already and have for years. It's not new technology. My cars are 8 and 9 years old and made by Ford. It's just a matter of enough people becoming aware and doing something about it.

  8. To an extent, it's already happening. Car lots are having difficult times selling SUVs and the 2008 Prius (hybrid) is the top selling car in America (this was on Yahoo's news last week, sorry, don't have the link).

    The thing you're looking for can't happen quickly. Not everybody has the cash on hand to go buy a new car. And, even those who might be able to afford a lease may not find a large investement to be the best financial decision at this time. In times of economic uncertainty, people are less likely to make investments.

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