
When will nonbelievers wake up to the real effects of climate change?

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Note, I did not say it's all done by humans, nor did I state it was 'heat' only, as some people seem to read into questions like this.




  1. I like climate change. Had it not done so a several million years ago we wouldn't be here. Change can be a good thing too.

  2. Only when their lifestyle is affected negatively. Think about it, how often do we in our lives worry about things that we can't see, touch or feel. Wars in other parts of the world for example, unless we know someone in the forces, or our city is targeted, we just don't have the same urges moving us to change, as say someone whose lost a family member.

    Climate change is something everyone in this world needs to open their eyes too. Even if that is purely educational.

  3. when it affects them...

    did you really have to ask this? I thought it was a 'duh' answer...

  4. this question is BS

  5. ho ho

  6. I find it idiotic that people like this don't do anything about this global warming! Sure, it seems like "no big deal" right now, but what about in the future?! I mean, think of the children, the habitats animals are living in, the global climate, if we don't do something ASAP, our next generation will be doomed to clean up the mess WE left behind!

  7. As a geologist, I understand that "climate change" is the norm and always has been the norm.  So what are we supposed to wake up to.  So what, it's changing.  Why do alarmists always want to pretend that all change is necessarily bad.  If it is not caused by humans, then there is really no debate and nothing for us to do.  I guess if they looked at the subject objectively, logically, and with a little scientific understanding, they would no longer be alarmists.

  8. Fake, forgery, counterfeit, copy, pirate(d) copy, sham, fraud, hoax, imitation, mock-up, dummy, reproduction; informal phony, rip-off, knockoff, dupe, charlatan, fraud, fraudster, mountebank, sham, quack, humbug, impostor, hoaxer, cheat, trickster; informal phony, con man, con artist.

  9. This is a natural occurance. We are closer to an ice age, if anything. And those started with the same things. Our tiny little existance as humans can't leave a dent this big. We will wake up to the real effects of climate change and what is in God's will when we dive into our next Ice Age...which, by the way, is a NATURAL OCCURENCE.

  10. When there IS some? Seriously though, I think the only people who are not ‘awake’ to climate change are those who think that humankind has unrecoverably altered the planet’s climate. Most people are quite aware that climate changes over time - with or without humans – and that humans have too little influence to change it anyway.

  11. here is a nice map for you

    And i am awake by the way

  12. I think the real question is when will the fake, ignorant environmentalists wake up and see that global warming, as in climate change caused by humans is bull. The earth has warmed and cooled many times in the past. Why the h**l is it so hard for you to understand that this is a natural cycle?

    I myself live a green life, support clean renewable energy, and care about the environment, but when it comes to global warming I don't blindly "go with the flow" and believe in it. I believe that global warming is a scam to make the green movement look bad and also to scare people into giving up their rights to the government. All the believers of global warming always quote unreliable computer predictions as the evidence for their claims, while non believers like me look at the actual facts that for some reason you refuse to look at.

    I think it's time to for some of you to wake up to the truth. Stop believing that richest people and companies in the world are trying to help, because they're not. They're the ones that came up with this bullshit to increase their profits and their power over us.

  13. Climate has been changing for the past 20 thousand years. this is only a worming up for now, It happen every thousand years. just believe in God salvation only that all matters.

  14. It is interesting to note that you use the phrase "climate change" now instead of "global warming".  This is just another example of someone going along with the flow. The politicians and environmentalists had to change their wording because global warming is being seen as the hoax it is. Who, on the other hand, can argue with climate change?  No one, that's who.  Our climate has been changing for millions of years, and it sure isn't going to stop now.  The next illogical change!!!...Let's all look outside day to day and complain about how warm or cold it is and see if someone, hopefully the taxpayer, will give us a handout because of it.

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