
When will our elected officials start obeying the will of the people , and stop looking out for themselves?

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Raising taxes + increasing government spending = robbery of the people!

What will it take to stop this trend?

More importantly , how much will we tolerate before we take action as a people?

Too many people forget that our elected officials work for us! We don't answer to them...they answer to US!

Why don't we raise our collective voice and tell these pigs that it's time to step back from the trough?

We are a nation of victims , in attitude and in truth.

The problem is that we perceive our victomhood wrongly.

We are each responsible for ourselves , and can shrug victimhood by taking resposibility for our own destinies instead of blaming others for our own problems.

But we ARE being victimized by our government.We slave away at our jobs , and for our efforts we see a smaller portion of our pay.In return for the money we surrender (money that's deducted BEFORE we even get our rightful share!) we tolerate do-nothing fat-cats who get rich telling us how to live!

What say you?!




  1. As long as the seven deadly sins are committed, politicians will try to satisfy their greed.

  2. I say that Alexis DeTocqueville predicted all of this well before it started.  

    The politicians ARE obeying the will of the people.  That's the problem.  As DeTocqueville predicted, the politicians are bribing the people with their own money.  

    The solution is actually much simpler than you might think.  Repeal the Seventeenth Amendment, and most of this would be solved in a decade.

    Prior to that Amendment, having a Senate and a House had a purpose. The House was chosen by the People, and the Senate by the governments of the individual states. Now that both are chosen by the People, andthe states (which created the federal government in the first place) have no voice in the federal government at all, there's really no reason to have both.

    That's what you need to understand.   It isn't that politicians aren't responding to the people.  The problem is that they are.

  3. What seems to be forgotten here is the  government is formed of the people by the people and FOR the people.. Not for the officials,not for big business, not for the Lobbiests'not for MONEY and POWER, but  FOR THE PEOPLE.. Our freedoms and the United States of America's one and only main goal is to act FOR  the people..If the betterment of the society is to make wages livalbe, then that should be our officials goal..If  our youth cannot have a college education for every  American for free,that should be our officials goal..If  every American doesn't  have AFFORDABLE health care available for all Americans,that should be our officials goal,and finally, if the infastructure which is decaying throughout America is not being kept up and upgraded as needed, that should be the officials goal. We the people are we the SHEEPLE,for not demanding these things for America!! Can't  you see that until we bring these things about, America is in decline and headed for destruction!!  Until will stand against Big Business and its lobbiest  who are BUYING  our government, and "Rapeing America for PROFIT, we are just being  USED!! The rich are now  filthy rich after these  last seven years, and rest assurd, RECESSION  is  upon America.. Our  debt, and our shrinking dollar, is such that  no matter what the federal reserve does with regard to interest rates, you will suffer, and inflation is right around the corner.. And if you buy the notion to keep the tax cuts and make them permament will save us,your in for a big surprise.. And if your waiting for the 'trickle" down  to come down, good luck with that one,. It didnt work in REAGON  era, and it won't work now!! America has become a ship of fools, who  have been pitted against one another by the rich and big business, and have sold ourselves out and voted against out own best interests.. We have only ourselves to blame for this  debacle.. It may take another  revolution  to take our country back!! I've said it for the last  five years ,and no one wants to hear it.. Well  there a few more voices  saying it now!!!WAKE UP AMERICA    SOLOMON

  4. I say that taxes are actually necessary. Look, Polititions are people, same as you or me, but their people with power and money to throw around, granted, if i had those things, id use it different.

  5. Yes!!! I have been trying to get this through people's heads for a long time now!!!  

    "The Establishment" in DC has lost all of its glory.  It is one big bureaucratic system, and until the GOP and the Democratic Party fall, things will remain as they are.  But lately it seems that the Libertarian and Constitutionalist parties are rising.  Maybe them, along with the growing Independent movement, will destory this monster of an establishment in DC.

    The Founding Fathers would be ashamed to see that after they sacrificed their lives to free us from a few unjust taxes, we have allowed the government to tax nearly 40% of our income.

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