
When will our stock market recover?

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When will our stock market recover?




  1. hello simi..

    i have no need to explain you paragraphs to paragraphs to your question.  i will answer simply which you can understand clearly.

    1.  For recovering the stock market from bad to good, the

        growth of country's economy is a must.

    2.  Even if we find any kind of disturbance to the govt the

         the stock market will go to bad..i mean will soar.

    3.  A good governance of govt will make the stock market

         to a stable position.

    4.  stability of the govt is a must.  say, if a govt is formed

         supported by so many parties, and if any diff comes,

         and suppose, if the supporting withdraws there will not

         be stability and the stock market goes worst.

    5.  The world bank, and other foreign countries if  hesitates

         to invest money in a country, the stock market will go


    ok..  you asked how our stock market recover.

    A good function of industries,  a good and stable  governemnt, a good economy,  and a good growth of grains, and even a good

    monsoon and good relations with other countries  will make our stock market in a good position.

  2. Currently there are many factors which affect our stock market (KLSE) index because of the following reasons e.g Political situation and uncertainties,cyberspace and Internet informations which painted our beloved country MALAYSIA  a negative picture to the business people throughout the world and locally. Strong fundamentalism of any corporates, however seems to have very little effects for the stock market to recover soonest.

  3. you can buy few good stock now, but sell before September this year.

    wait and see after September.

    that's my strategy..hmmm.

  4. Hopefully soon, they are killin us poor college kids!

  5. never

  6. its an indefinite market nobody can sure

    not even a political or other national current issues change the market in a second

    So my friend its not predictive

  7. Bad news. Our stock market is not getting any better in the near future but instead it is going to slump further. I am not economist but i am into share trading as well and follow closely on economist reports / predictions.

    Last week Bank Negara announced that the CPI for Malaysia in the month of June is 7.7% ( the highest in 27 years ). CPI is the index which indicates the purchasing power of Malaysians which is also known as inflation rate. This sharp incresed in CPI is as a result of oil price hike in May. For the month of July, the CPI is expected to go up further because of 2 reasons :

    (a) The oil price hike was in May and in June, some traders, manufacturers still have old stocks of raw materials or goods  purchased before the oil price hike and therefore, they have not increased the price of their goods / services. In July, more businesses will have to incur higher cost as a result of this hike and they will pass this additional cost to consumers. With this CPI will move up further

    (b) Tariff for electricity has been increased effective 1st of July. The price for cement has also increased by 40% in the month of July. Businesses will have to incur highest cost and this cost will eventually landed on consumers.

    With no increased in salary, the purchasing power of Malaysians will decrease and this will push up the inflation rate. In other words, the ringgit is getting cheaper. To make the ringgit less cheaper, the government should increase interest rate BUT a few days ago, the Bank Negara annouced that interest rate shall remained the same. Good news to us BUT only in the short run. To maintain the same interest rate while inflation is moving up, the government needs money. If inflation keeps moving up ( which will be the case ), it will reach a point where government CANNOT sustain anymore and have to increase the interest at one go ( sharp increase ). A sharp increase in interest rate will SHOCK everyone as everyone is unprepared for this. Suddenly people will find that they are unable to service their housing loans/ credit cards etc and the loan default rate will sky rocket and when this happens, some banks may even go bankrupt. It would be better if the government increase the interest rate now ( gradually ) rather than a sharp increase in the coming months. However, the government does not want to do it now because they are afraid that when they do this, Malaysians will get even angrier with them.

    Due to the above factor and the political instability in the country, overseas investors are not only not investing more here but they are selling their Malaysian stocks to invest elsewhere ( Singapore, Thailand, China ). Infact i was told that there are a few big fund managers who have yet to finish selling their local stocks and they'll do it in coming weeks. When they do this, the KLCI will slump further. Many  analysts predicted the KLCI will go to as low as 800 - 900  points this year. With no certainty in local political scenarios as well as inflation worldwide, the stock market will remain like this probably for another two years or even beyond that.

  8. when our politic stable our economy and stock market will recover

  9. I am not too worry about when the market will recover. Since every bull market there are small bear trend. So in the Bear market there will be small bull trend. You just have to know how to identify it. Current market might be the starting of small bull.

  10. i don't know..

  11. when government do something about it...are they gonna do it? who knows....

  12. only god knows

  13. If you are speaking in terms of fundamentals of finance, there is actually nothing wrong with the malaysian stock market.  Companies like bumiputra-commerce and their subsidiary CIMB are doing very well.  Of course, palm oil is cooling off.  But the main reason for concern is political stability.  Stability in the KLSE will only return when the current government issue have been resolved, and this means either the current government gets away with corruption and murder, or anwar overthrows them all, and then there needs to be a settling period after that, so at least 18 months.  The capital controls of 1998 and the Thai coup a few years ago (as well as the flip-floppiness of Thai monetary and foreign investment policy) are still fresh in everyone's minds. They are strong within the region and ASEAN, so that reflects on Malaysia whether Malaysia likes it or not.  The region (besides Singapore) is full of capital controls.  The stock market decline comes from people selling because they want to preserve cash and there is fear that the operating environment might change, not because the companies have suddenly gone bad.

  14. if u pray . maybe god will tell u

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