
When will people ever learn thal elections won't change anything?

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Question Details: Same lies, same tricks, same story. Promises that slowly fade into nothingness. Politicians promising the same thing...change...let's make a better world...blah blah blah

The only way that true change can be achieved is if every man, woman and child work together; not some empty words of eloquent politicians




  1. When will people realize how important elections are?

    If the 2000 election hadn't been stolen, we wouldn't be at war in Iraq; over 16,000 Americans wouldn't be dead (battle + suicide); there wouldn't be as many fatherless children; hundreds of thousands wouldn't be maimed.

    The people in New Orleans would have been rescued, and the city rebuilt.

    There wouldn't be an anti-educational policy driving education -- students would be spending more time learning, and less time mastering passing machine-gradable tests.

    There wouldnt' have been over a million deaths in Iraq; there wouldn't be millions of homeless there; women would still be able to work there and leave their homes without completely covering up and being accompanied by male relatives; they'd have more electricity, food, water, and jobs.

    Seniors would have good methods of paying for meds.

    Social Security would have been tweaked in such a way that it would be solvent for the forseeable future.

    We wouldn't be many trillions of dollars in debt; the dollar would be stronger and things cost less than they do.

    The parts of government that do things like inspect food, and test toys for safety would be staffed with enough people to make sure that people don't die from stuff they buy.

    We would have made a lot of progress toward sound environmental policy.

    Bush has been a freakin' nightmare; Gore would not have done all this damage.

    Heck, he might have been able to prevent the destruction of the twin towers (the Bush administration ignored the warnings they had of this).

    We would have been researching how to use discarded embryos to vastly improve the quality of life of tens of millions.

    And the stuff I've listed here is just a few things that came to mind; there are very many more.

    And if Bush hadn't had a Congress that completely caved to him, he wouldn't have been able to do nearly the damage he has.

    McCain will get us further in debt, and get yet more of our military killed and maimed, tank our economy yet more than it's been messed up.

    Elections matter.

    They are life and death, as well as much more.

  2. Clearly you've never heard of the Third Reich. The politician known as Hitler was able to capture an entire country with his words. Elections do change things. He was elected Chancellor of Germany. Don't ever say elections don't matter.

  3. yeah....what tehabwa said...

    and everything takes time too. things dont happen overnight generally.

  4. Ahhh refreshing; a fellow cynic. Yes I agree with you my good man; as long as there is lobbyists and international trade agreements with money flowing like water then nothing will ever really get accomplished.

  5. they wont

  6. So we overthrow the government? And then what . . .

  7. its a dream , hopefully one day it will come true if everyone becomes concious

  8. Elections do not change anything - except who is in power, obviously.

    Answer this plz:;...

  9. never...

  10. Sadly, it's nearly impossible to get every man, woman and child to work together.  If you there are elections, people think that the country is doing something.

    Maybe you should run in politics! you seem to realize some of the faults that make today's political leaders bad.  Maybe in the future elections will change.

  11. Of course elections won't change anything... because, in case you haven't heard, we are now a ONE PARTY SYSTEM: The GREEN Party... as in MONEY... whoever's got it makes the laws (regardless of what side of the aisle they sit on). :-|

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