
When will people learn to fight for thier rights?

by  |  earlier

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This concerns a veterinarian situation where the vet did not want to release a perscription based on his own treatment including having comenced the drug perscribed. It is ilegal to with hold percriptions from a client even if it is for your pet and this is the recommended treatment. The vets just want to jack up the cost of the drug and be the pharmacist as well as doctor . This is known as unethical practice and carries fines and even jail terms in rare instences.




  1. Ummm...people in this nation have been spoiled with liberty and freedom all their lives, expecially the new generations. Some are so tainted liberally and socially they are to wimpy to even agree much less stand up and fight a war to preserve the freedom and rights of our country they so often take for granted.

    And if they wo'nt fight for that or agree that we should fight for that, how would you think these pale shadow's would stand up for animal rights ?

  2. NO Vet can demand that they also be the pharmacist. You have a choice. IF you/anyone have a prescription and/or have any proof of unethical conduct, then take them to small claims court for damages. This will also put a mark on their record.  

  3. Judging from reading the question at hand and the posts.... people need to learn how to spell and use the english language.

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