
When will people stop associating modern day Germans with the n***s?

by Guest60980  |  earlier

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When will people stop associating modern day Germans with the n***s?




  1. Probably never.

  2. Probably never, but it is not very common because people don't call BMWs n**i boxes.

  3. It probably will not go away soon. Although I never hear about the n***s anymore, African Americans still bring up the slavery issue....

  4. Americans absolutely do not do this.  Pretty much any person with an accent is loved here in the states.

  5. When black Americans stop associating all whites with slavery.

  6. I wound say its already pardoned

    but though the wounds are healed

    the scares of the wound will remain!

  7. Very soon I hope. It must get in the way.

    Besides all the germans I know have lovely altruistic personalities which are completely contrary to the image of the n**i personality.

  8. It will take time.  I went to a German school in the 1980's and have been a teacher there in the past few years as well.  The n**i period is a constant cultural undertone to many Germas, though the feelings are mixed of course.

    I guess one of the reasons Germans may still be traated suspiciously in this regard is that Corporal Hilter and his party took over an intelligent, literate, and educated society know for arts, inventions and thinkers.  And most of these people let him.

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