
When will people stop polluting?

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It is a fact that if we don't stop polluting that we will see the effects in our near future. Will it take acid rain for us to realize this? So, when will people stop polluting?




  1. when  we  going  to  castrate  the  irresponsible !!

  2. I am definately in the same mind-set as you, so we can start helping the environment ourselves, even if others think it's not a priority.

    I suppose other people who keep polluting/littering our earth just don't give a @#$%, so they could care less what they are doing in their everyday life.  Their mind-sets are on another plane unfortunatley, so they don't care about how it is affecting the environment on a larger level.

    One day they will see what their children/grandchildren have to look forward to (or dread!) if they keep doing selfish things like polluting.  It doesn't take much effort and it is a much more friendly and cleaner way of living in my opinion.  

    Earth is ours to cherish, whether we live to see another sunset or at least to make sure our loved ones will always be able to breathe clean air and drink fresh, clear water.

  3. We will never stop polluting because we are not that smart.

  4. ..sorry to brake it to ya but, acid rain is already here. To answer your question, Never! The only thing we can do is reduce, our pollution. People aren't proactive about getting rid of pollution they're RE-active. So, when that catastrophic day comes, then we'll do something (by "we'll" I mean the human race).

    Uneducated people simply do not care about the subject and thus, are not going to do anything about it. Period. (and by uneducated I don't mean just individuals with degrees but, anyone who has ever stopped and though "gee is what i'm doing going to affect my enviroment?")

  5. Humans aren't perfect we all know that, and without humans in the mix the world would be just great. But the fact is we are here, and obviously we aren't perfect, therefore pollution won't stop.

  6. hopefully before they get to heaven ,but it is doubtfull

  7. When the ocean pours into the tenth floor windows of the Empire State building. When the ranch at Crawford,Texas is unable to get water at any price. When Vice President Cheney accidently shoots his Arabian benefactor who allowed him to come live at one of the 50 empty palaces he has had built with money from selling oil to the U.S. far beyond when it was sensible to buy it from him. Then and only then, when the politicians of this country can be effected by the calamity that will be upon us in one more lifetime. And the people of that era will wonder why we were as selfish as we were electing men and women who just did not get it.... even though it was as obvious as it is.

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