
When will people stop sweating the small stuff and start looking at the big picture?

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Obama picks a running mate because he truly believes that he can help.

McCain picks a running mate who he thinks will help him win.

Who really have our Country in their best interest?

Its not about D vs. R or

our black vs. white

its about the past vs. future......

we cannot afford to go down this same route of destruction.... Knowing that McCain agrees with BUSH 90% of the time how could anyone vote for him..... LOOK what shape America IN!!!!




  1. All of your points are valid.  Let me add one more.

    The things that Obama espouses will have a very detrimental effect on our economy.  We are talking about millions of people who will become unemployed.  While this is speculation it is speculation based upon history.  What he suggests has been done many times and many places.  Always with the same bad result.

  2. I say this before and I say again

    it doesn't matter for who you going to vote for

    because half country is ready to disagree with you

    that should be enough to explain to you how we are united in this country...

    I am Pro States Independence

    my house is not your house

  3. There you go with that logic thing again.  Republicanse don't believe in logical things, like science.

  4. When they stop watching Fox News


  6. Small minds look at small stuff.  

    I could not vote for McCain or Obama, so I'll vote for Bob Barr as an endorsement of a balanced budget and an end to deficit spending and 100 year wars.

  7. great question!

    i'd rather go w Obama than a gambling warmonger!

    obama/biden 08

  8. Obama/Biden for America!


  10. Americans rarely look at the 'big picture'.

    They usually only pay attention to the picture on their TVs.

    They only listen to little sound bytes and don't think for themselves.

    If every voter were to actually do their research on both candidates and honestly weigh their options...well, I think we would end up with a lot  better politicians.

    And unfortunately-most base their vote on wedge issues such as abortion or the war...

    If they would look at all the issues facing our nation they might learn a thing or two. Mainly- that the candidates LIE. Both parties do.

    If we had a smarter electorate , we would have much better politicians.

  11. Just like a TV.  The "big picture" IS just a bunch of small stuff.

    By the way, I am content with the shape MY country is in.  Maybe some of y'all should move to America.

  12. I definitely agree with you. I think that both candidates really believe that they have this country's best interest at heart. Both Republicans and Democrats want a better country for the future generation. However, i personally don't agree with McCain on his decisions and beliefs. Looking at the past

    can sometimes help us take a step in the right direction in the future.

  13. You do realize that 50% of all legislation Democrats and Republicans vote as "AGREED"

    So saying McCain votes 90% of the time with Bush can be misleading

    I do want change but when Obama tied himself in with the Biden, Pelosi and Reids of the world the only change he is offering is a switch from the Republicans to the Democrats.

    That's Not change.

    I wnat real change, I want all the old politics out of Washington , GOP and Democrats

    The only one's that stay are ones that have a record of working with the other party.

    Gov Warner showed Democrats what change is and what did he get for it? Removed from prime time TV in exchnage for old politics.

  14. Agreed....though it is 95%:

  15. Agree with you 100% !

  16. Here's the big picture....Obama has NO EXPERIENCE and will run what's left of this country straight into the ground!

    Do you know who Emil Jones is?

  17. I believe McCain & particularly Palin really have the country's best interests at heart. Palin got tagged to come in. And if youve seen any of the cruel attacks on her after only a few days, you know she weighed heavily what she'd be putting herself & her family in for.

    Obama's been salivating for the presidency all his life to gratify his own ego, not for the well being of the US citizens. And Biden's been sucking on the gov't teat all his life.

    Sorry O/B are not good for the country. McCain & Palin are.

  18. And it is all Bush's fault?

    Democrats and the liberal ideas have caused more problems than 100 years of Bush could ever do.

  19. This November. Hopefully.

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