
When will prices for blu ray players go down to a reasonable price?

by  |  earlier

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I'm just wonderin because i just got a nice hd t.v. and now i want a hd type player!




  1. The price is expected to fall to $200 more or less by next Christmas.

  2. In my opinion, if you can afford to buy a really nice HDTV, you should be able to buy a Blu-Ray DVD player without a problem, however I can understand that some people can't justify the price for some Blu-Ray DVD players.

    I have a PS3, so I already have Blu-Ray, but there is no telling when the prices for Blu-Ray DVD players will go down because there is no competition, so the manufactures for them wont really drop the prices until the demand starts to diminish a little bit.

    The cheapest stand-alone Blu-Ray Player that I've seen was $399 (Toshiba brand) , however there are more expensive models that sell for around $500+ dollars. I really don't think that the more expensive models are even necessary.

  3. Depends on what you call reasonable. $200? I don't think Sony will under price it's ps3 soon. It's coming out with two new models. the BDP-S350 and BDP-S550 has Blu-ray-live 2.0 profile. Price at $400 and $500.  There are about 6 companies that make players. There is still competition. Prices will come down. When is the big question. $300 will be the next target price for Blu-Ray players by xmas.

    Hey Toshiba doesn't make Blu-Ray players.

  4. Eventually, but now any time soon. Now that HD-DVD is gone, Bluray has no competition and therefore no incentive to reduce prices. Tough luck.

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