
When will running start to get easier/ not getting bored while running) ?

by  |  earlier

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I have started to run two miles a day, and i have done it for two days, and i am about to go running today for my third. After how many times will this two miles become easy. I don't think that it is extremely difficult right now, just not simple. I also get bored while i run ( what can help with this also?) Thanks




  1. Change up your route

    Get an IPOD

    Here is a wierd one but it works for me; do math problems in your head while you run based on thing you see. It completly takes your mind off of the run.

  2. um, while your running, concentrate on what time you want to get, you'll go faster, and you wont be bored!

  3. Music would help you enjoy the running. Or running with a friend never gets boring.

    Give it some time, two days won't have the impact you're looking for. I think a week or so and you'll start to feel like its easier.

    Good luck

  4. You Could always bring an ipod or mp3 with you while you run and see if you can run and keep up with the beat if you know what I'm sayin, it ets your mid off sweating .  

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