
When will scared americans learn to not group Minorities togeather?

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In WWII they grouped Asians togeather as evil

Most group middle easterners as one

Most group all puertoricans/ hatians/ mexicans as hispanic

And they are now doing the same with Muslims

When will it stop and give way to tolerence?




  1. Just exactly what are we "scared of".  you do not have the right to talk to America about tolerance.  We are the most generous, kindest nation that has ever existed.

    When any nation or group is in need we are there. Where is France, where is Russia, where is China (ask them about their mandatory abortions and selling prisoner's organs), where is Iran, ..Are any of these wonderful countries funding AIDS research and treatment in Africa?  I guess not

    There is plenty of space in these garden spots of freedom so feel free to take a ride there.  In the meanime, just shut up

  2. I think it's a matter of not being exposed to those different ethnicities. People in more diverse and urban areas know the differences between the groups, but someone in a small rural area with only one race is less likely to understand.

    I only learned of different ethnicities and sects of people through college and moving to an urban area. Not everyone does that. Many Americans stay their whole lives in the same area they were born and raised in.

    Exposure...face to face contact and the only true way to learn these things.

  3. Guess we are just too scared of things we do not understand.  The biggest question could be why do most Americans choose useless trends instead of securing a good education.  Most Americans really have not traveled outside their state never mind out of the country, nor read about other countries.  They seem not to question anything that goes contrary to what they perceive to be true.

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