
When will she have the babies?

by Guest56516  |  earlier

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So, i mated my Netherland dwarf bunny three weeks ago on friday. So i thought that she would have the babies around next saturday, but today i went to feed her and she had already pulled alot of her fur out for the nest. Isnt it a bit early for that. Also does this mean that i can't clean her out any more because there will be no nesting material left for the little ones? any help or advice would be appreciated




  1. bunnies usually have their babies in 28 days. sometimes exact day they mated. don't change anything. let the bunny do it.

  2. Why are you breeding? Why not get her spayed instead?

  3. Do not mess with her box! she will have her babies immediately if she did not already! Once she pulls out her hair you must leave her alone or she will kill and probably eat her babies.

  4. Some does pull fur a week before they kindle others pull it as the kits are being born. Each rabbit is different. have you given her a nestbox yet? If not then you should put one in and put hay in it then put the fur she has pulled on top the hay. She will continue making her nest in the box.

    Rabbits gestate for 28-35 days, with the average being 31 days.

    You can clean her cage but leave the nestbox alone unless she uses it as a toilet then you will have to clean it well and let her start over nest building.

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