
When will sirius satelitte radio stock go back up?

by Guest45184  |  earlier

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When will sirius satelitte radio stock go back up?




  1. IMHO: At least several months to a year for any significant increase.

    I can't give you a date. If I could, I wouldn't be sitting here on YA - I'd be vacationing around the world. However I can offer some insight as to the conditions that would cause the stock to rise.

    Time: Let the dust settle from the merger;

    Consolidation: Let Wall St. see that management is taking the right steps to consolidate the two operations so they both operate as one (one staff, one set of studios, etc.);

    Earnings: The bloom is off the rose and the combined companies will have to start making money. This will come through increased subscriptions, strategic deals with auto makers and other big ticket opportunities (rather than one person at a time). This would include real-time information broadcast on some of the channels that can be sold to industries that have an interest in such things. For instance Traffic, stock quotes and other things you and I haven't even considered and would fall outside the public/entertainment services already offered. What about a deal with AMC for a dual receiver in every boat they manufacture - deals like that are going to make the difference to Wall Street (and they're already working on that stuff - maybe already done deals like that).

    I'm just an amateur and this advice may not be right for you, but: If you own the stock, I would hold on to it. If you don't, this could be a good time to get in. SIRI is under $2 as of noon Tuesday. Or, you might want to wait a bit and keep your eye on it. Good luck, I know it's been a frustrating time for shareholders of both companies.

    -a guy named duh

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