
When will skateboarding die?

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When will skateboarding die?

I'm tired of seeing people like sheckler and whats his face ruin skateboarding!

Why can't anything stay pure these days

Every time I go out to skate somebody will ask me to "perform" for them and it's getting at me.

I wish skating wasn't as popular so the people really into it could have a real thing again.

I mean jesus we got so called skaters pimping themselves on acne commercials




  1. OMG I AGREE 100%

  2. Hopefully it will never die, just go back underground.  The popularity of skateboarding goes in cycles.  It seems it is popular for about 10-15 years, and then it all but disappears for about another 10 years.  The average age of a skateboarder is 14 and 95% of all skateboarders quit before they turn 18.  Right now is probably about the peak of skateboarding for this cycle.  

    The good news is there are still some untainted forms of skateboarding.  Downhill longboard racing is still unheard of in most parts of the country.  The participants do it for fun and the camaraderie.

  3. Well yes. People like Sheckler ruin the sport itself. but you have skaters like Chris Cole, Jamie thomas Mike V Rodney Mullen who do it for themselves only and make the sport positive.

  4. sheckler is horible but i see wat you talkin about

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