
When will smart people take the country back . . .?

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When will smart people take the country back . . .?




  1. 2009


  3. When? On election day I hope!!!

  4. Accurate information needs to get to the people before the country returns to the people.  There is a complete disconnect between the government and the people, facilitated by big media, looking for big money and power.

    This is the same c**p that has happened several times in history, you know the history they don't teach you in high school.

    We are going to need to get more people than smart people to take our country back, we need the unvarnished truth about the past few years, in the media that has mis lead their moral obbligations.

  5. I hope soon.

    You have people who think Ron Paul is a Republican when he's a Libertarian.

    You have people  who think Rudy Guiliani is a Neo-Con when he's a moderate Republican.

    You have people who think Hiliary is her own person when she's riding Bill's coattails.

  6. jan 2009 all  candidates and my cats awould be a marked improvement over gonzo

  7. When a Democrat with the exception of Hilary is elected President

  8. When concerned people like you help concerned people like me get elected.

    John Ross Hendrix for United States Senate

  9. sorry but i had to report this question. It is insulting to dumbazzess

  10. See the movie "Idiocracy."

    I'm sorry to inform you that, genetically, it will only get worse.  :(

  11. One can only hope that it will happen soon!

  12. Probably the same day the stupid people will realize that the war doesnt matter, bush doesnt matter, power in the white house doesnt matter, saving for your retirement doesnt matter, the big quake that is going to hit cali doesnt matter, to americans, global warming doesnt matter. China is going to destroy USA very soon and people need to watch the news and put the pieces of the puzzle together. Bush knows this, thats why he sends people to China on a weekly basis begging them to stop floating their currency. People shopping at walmart or looking for wholesale sources from china so they can sell on ebay dont know this. Its not your country anymore. China has raised the stakes for the past 4 years by doing things like building their military up faster then anyone ever has, shooting their own satellite down from outer space (to see if their missiles can reach us), making their currency cheap and injecting their products into walmart to build their economy up and hurt ours, sending poisoned goods to usa to test what our reaction/detection might be if it is biological. And when USA warned China in 1997 not to attack Taiwan  (which China wants so very badly) or they will go to war against China, China had no intentions in backing down forever (The same country that ran over 2000 of their own college students for defiance against their government in a peaceful protest). They have been quietly plotting up until now and they are almost ready. Wake up...........

  13. Who are the "smart" people.

    You will get hundreds of thousands of opinions of who is smart and who is not with vague remarks.

    I think there is already a serious backlash in place against the corporate thinktank that backs our politicians today.  The average politician is a w***e anyway.  Whether they are kissing babies, pressing flesh, or having some b*llsh*t session for a photo op, they depend on those Big contributors to their campaigns.  They know that Too Many Americans form their choice of candidate based on the most appealing advertisement on television.

    Bringing a strong 3rd Party into the mix could shake things up some.  The Libertarian Party has been struggling for a long time to gain a noticeable toehold, but it has too many internal conflicts to overcome to make a difference.  So, you may be forced to vote traditionally: the lesser of two evils.

  14. The smart people are in the private sector.. Making money qiuetly.

  15. when will america stop being scared??

  16. "The I.Q. of a mob is the I.Q. of its' most stupid member, divided by the number of mobsters". So, the answer is probably never. Lot of idiots runnin' around out there, best we can do is fight a holding action for as long as we can.

  17. We did when Repubs got the White House and Congress, saldy we are outnumbered by the stupid people and the Dems got the Congress back.

  18. Thankfully Australia have just done that by getting rid of George Bush's puppet John Howard in a humilitaing defeat.

    So all good things come to those that wait and then vote.

  19. We've already started! Wonder why you weren't informed?

  20. Now, when the primaries begin. Please vote smart people, look at your candidates before you vote. We must and will take our country back, without them even knowing about it. I'll vote for Ron Paul, you can vote for whoever you think will put the USA first for a change. Oh, and by the way, I did check on all the candidates before I found Paul 9 months ago. Thanks!

  21. Probably never.  When the Dems. get in they will take the guns away for the stupid CHILDREN and then only the thugs and the police will have weapons so AmeriKans can finally be ENSLAVED by their government.

  22. When the stupid people stop voting.

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