
When will smoking and alcohol end?

by Guest65117  |  earlier

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With the bans of smoking these days, I have come to wondering why all restaurants have NOT banned from smoking. Examples: Steak N Shake, Oriental House, Shoneys, etc. Your fast food joints like Burger King, McDonalds and all have seemed to close on it, but the dine in places like the mentioned ones above, have not closed it yet. Also, I would think as many non smokers there are and that the non smoking percentage gets higher, will the tobacco companies ever go out of business, the tobacco fields go dead? Also, one more question, will the alcohol companies i.e. Budwiser, Coors, Bud Light, etc. will ever go out of business? I would think with the government having to worry about buzzed/drunk driving accidents each year that the government would at least do something about all of this. I guess they just need someone to convince them like I did here about it, in order for it to be stopped.




  1. I hope it ends soon!

  2. I don't think it is going to end, unless all the people understand about how bad it is to them and to other people, or unless the human not human anymore, i mean to be a human to some people they have to do or to have something that other people do and have" jump on the band wagon" they want to be and to look cool even it is not.

    Other thing about government is they could stop, but they won't because they get a lot of tax money from those companies and especially is the campaign funds. Keep in mind that the government is a whole bunch of human being, they only think about their self not the other people.

    Everyone want to suck the most money as they could for their self, either the tobacco or the alcohol co. or the government.

  3. According to the American Nonsmokers’ Rights Foundation, as of October 1, 2007:

    Across the United States, 11,305 municipalities are covered by a 100% smokefree provision in workplaces, and/or restaurants, and/or bars, by either a state or local law, representing 58.6% of the US population.

    35 states and the District of Columbia have local laws in effect that require 100% smokefree workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars.

    There are 26 states/commonwealths plus the District of Columbia with laws in effect that require 100% smokefree workplaces and/or restaurants and/or bars.

    A total of eleven states, along with Puerto Rico and Washington D.C, have a state law in effect that requires workplaces, restaurants, and bars be 100% smokefree.  Five more are passed and signed and will go into effect either 1/1/08 or 1/1/09.

    It's happening; it will only take awhile.  That's here in the USA; smoking is much more popular in most of the rest of the world, and it's growing fast in China.  

    Alcohol is another subject altogether.  When used in moderation it has no adverse health effects - indeed, there's valid evidence to the statement that a little bit is more healthy than none at all.  In moderation it has no adverse effects on others, so there's no justification for banning anything other than intoxication and DUI.  Alcohol has been a part of human cultures since the beginning of time, and it's not going anywhere.

    If you're talking about trying to legislate either out of business, you need to sober up yourself - ain't NEVER gonna happen!

  4. Tobacco and alcohol sales will always exist because to some people these things are an addiction not simply a luxury.  While it's true they cause serious health conditions and even death in some cases, that's what's so great about America.  You and everyone else has the freedom of choice.  All you have to simply do is avoid the places that serve alcohol and allow customers to smoke.  If you don't like or believe in p**n, you simply block it from your tv or choose not to watch it.  The point I'm trying to make is we all have choices and that makes everyone happy, not just a few.

  5. the Gov makes 18 billion a year off the taxes,  they aren't going anywhere soon, if they up the drinking and smoking age it would help.

  6. alcohol will be around until the end of time... they tried to make alcohol illegal but its just way too socially acceptable and part of every modren culture around the world. and its far too easy to make h**l my dad use to make wine and moonshine in our apartment when i was younger.

  7. I think smoking will continue to lose popularity for some time but will never die.  Alcohol is here for good.  I like to drink and have no plans to stop.  We tried prohibition before.  It does not work.  It created the mofia.

  8. When Jesus comes

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