
When will the AFL finally acknowledge their inferiority to NRL players!?

by  |  earlier

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Girls in singlets & tight shorts ! come oooooon ! Usually tall skinny, unco-ordinated kids who are to weak to play Rugby League in High School take it up !




  1. You are correct... And everyone knows it except the AFL players... Buncha sissies...

  2. AFL >>>>> NRL

  3. AFL is played by a bunch of shirt lifters.

  4. Never!

  5. I like NRL - will watch a gamer or two a season (Storm games only, tends to be the finals!!!)

    I LOVE AFL!!!!!!!! The games are fantastic to watch, COLLINGWOOD is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is the Australian Game, unlike NRL - where really, only NSW and QLD care about what is happening!!!!

    Not sure what you mean about unco players, have you seen them mark, catch, bounce an oval shaped ball, and the amount of running a player does each game.

    AFL is the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. when the NRL admit that their game is a two state wonder in this country and don't say Melbourne because no one gives a **** down here except ex-pat kiwis,cockroaches,and banana benders.

    your NRL boys have one skill and thats sticking your heads up other blokes bums,no wonder the mardi gra is held up north.

    what about your crowds,10,000-15,000 at the game what a joke its not worth it is it? so i say this pack up and join the only true and authentic AUSSIE FOOTBALL CODE ya pack of bum sniffers :) lol

  7. oh paleeeeeese !!!! what a load of rubbish you typed !!!!!!!

  8. If AFL is played by "shirt lifters" and "sissies" how come the only out g*y footballer played Rugby League for Australia?

    The codes are very different with different skills. Australian football is a spectacular, fast game  while League is dull and plodding with the occasional bit of action. People watch AFL at the ground because it is exciting; they watch NRL at home on TV because they can do other things during the Tackle tackle tackle tackle tackle kick Tackle tackle tackle tackle tackle kick Tackle tackle tackle tackle tackle kick and come in and watch the replay for the occasional try or goal.

    By the way, I don't know when you last watched a game of AFL but NRL shorts are smaller and tighter than AFL shorts these days.

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