
When will the AGW alamrist realize they fell for propaganda?

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When will the AGW alamrist realize they fell for propaganda?




  1. If 'alamrist' means 'denier', the answer is probably never, because that's the very essence of denial.

  2. I hope Global warming is just a fad like the Bird Flu Pandemic, Global Cooling, Y2K, and other scare tacts.

  3. when they find out that the next ice age is coming in a very few years.

    but they most likely will try to get us to believe we caused it too.

  4. Interesting question.  I think whichever side backs down will be slow to do it.  Why?  No one likes to admit they are wrong.  It will more than likely become a topic that is talked out and a new topic will come to the fore if it ultimately proves to be wrong.  Either the alarmists or the deniers will eventually just quietly slip to the wayside and everyone will ajust assume that what is the final conclusion is what we all thought it was going to be anyway.  Prop[oganda is powerful.  I drew from the article at the link for the following.  Use or ignore at your pleasure.

    Propaganda, means deliberately designing messages so that people will be influenced to think or act in predetermined ways, in was the propagandist prefers. That is, it's an instrument of persuasion meant to get people to form rash judgments. Why rash? Because they're not based on rational thought or inquiry, just bald feeling. In this broad sense, you can see how policy claims are "propagandistic," but properly understood, "propaganda" is a term usually reserved for those who wield it, or want to wield it, for political purposes.

    Propaganda tools  are "NAME CALLING," "GLITTERING GENERALITIES," "TRANSFER," "TESTIMONIAL," "PLAIN FOLKS," "CARD STACKING," and "BAND WAGON." It would help to give some of these new names, I think.

    Name Calling. Say something nasty about someone. Use broad strokes and never fill them in. Get your audience rushing to judgment without providing any evidence. "He's a pen-pushing bureaucrat." "He's a liberal." (That didn't used to be a bad name!) Or he's a AGW alarmist or AGW denier.

    Glittering Generalities. Use virtue words. Use the same broad strokes, and never fill them in. Get your audience, once again, to rush to judgment without examining any evidence. "He's a good American." "We're for family values."

    Transfer. To make something more palatable, set it next to something we like a lot. Get us to feel good about it by the power of association. "Transfer" that good feeling we have about this thing or idea to that thing (or idea). Get your audience to completely confuse the two as much as possible. For Global Warming = care for the environment.

    Testimonial. Display somebody whom a lot of people respect or idolize and ask them to take that person's word for it, whatever it is. Cite either scientists you respect or policy people to support your position one way or another.

    Plain Folks. Go out and be among the people, doing and saying the things that ordinary people do. Get the people to believe you are just like "one of them." Either way, claim you speak for the people.

    Card Stacking. "Stack the cards" or "arrange the deck" of facts against the truth. Use under-emphasis and over-emphasis. Suppress facts that don't support your side. Dodge questions, issues, evade facts. Even lie if you have to. Use censorship, distortion. Omit things. Offer false testimony. Create a diversion-raising new issues when you want something forgotten. Draw a red herring across the trail to keep nosy inquisitors off your trail. Make the unreal appear real and the real appear unreal. Let half-truth masquerade as the whole truth. Use as much sham, hypocrisy, and effrontery as you can get away with! (

    The Band Wagon. Encourage everyone to conform, to follow the crowd, to join in the parade, to get that fellow feeling of belonging to the group. Hey, "everybody's doing it," so what's your problem? Get with the program! Hop on! Flatter and pander and play on people's prejudices, biases, convictions and ideals-work their emotions until they join.

  5. The world is in constant flux and will heal it's self eventually we are insignificant

  6. When the media and the people with all the money in this hoax can't squeeze anymore money out of it, they will go to the exact opposite and say it isn't happening anymore and say that it was all a scandal and report all the law suits that will come with it for a couple fast bucks.

    Like cigarettes.... the cigarette companies can't expand their sales by selling the cigarettes anymore so they sell the patches now to make a quick buck.

  7. Here's your propaganda source:

    Exxposing ExxonMobil's Agenda: Manipulating Politics and the Public

    Here's how it's distributed to you:

    At Fox News, a Pundit for Hire

    "Objective viewers long ago realized that Fox News has a political agenda. But, when a pundit promotes this agenda while on the take from corporations that benefit from it, then Fox News has gone one disturbing step further"

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