
When will the Amero be introduced as the viable currency in the United States?

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The North American Union is a treaty signed in 2005 by Bush, Calderon and whoever the Canadian Prime Minister was that creates a "borderless community" between Canada Mexico and the United States. The proposed currency in this NAU is to be the Amero. What I want to know is how and when will the Amero be introduced.




  1. There is no way that with americans prejudices towards mexicans and canadians that they would be able to merge their economies and live side by side as one people.

  2. Ain't gonna happen.  

    At least, not any time soon.  This piece of fiction has been circulating for a while but it doesn't get better or truer with age.

    If a common currency were to be adopted it would more likely be called the dollar, since that is the base currency in both the U.S. and Canada, and is conceptually similar to Mexico's peso.

    The only significant economic treaty signed between these three countries at this point is a trade agreement designed to promote international commerce.  Canada and the U.S. could be joined with relatively minor social consequences--if it were possible for them to politically agree, which is not likely.

    However the economic and social barriers between Mexico and the U.S./Canada are so huge at this time they are virtually impenetrable.

    So hold onto your U.S. or Canadian money, or your Mexican money, 'cause it ain't going away any time soon.

  3. I could see the US merging with Canada because our standard of living are not that different and due to a common Anglo heritage our legal systems are not to far off they have a prime minister and wear wigs and do everything in the name of the queen.

    - how ever your more lily to see Canadian Provence's secede and join the US.

    while merging with Mexico just isn't going to happen as it will result in major wage deflation as well as questions about how to handle legal cases. The US would have to shape it's trade policy to favor Mexico over nations like China before a border less union could even be considered.

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