
When will the British citizens act more like Americans and demand their pistols back?

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When will the British citizens act more like Americans and demand their pistols back?




  1. When their education system is as poor as the US system I guess, and the population becomes gun toting ignorants.

  2. Most of the WORLD has learned it doesn't need guns to solve problems, bud.

    It's just the US, Iraq and Switzerland that need to come up to speed on this now.

  3. When they decide they want gun violence on the streets and school shootings just like the US.

  4. It's just like everything else in this dumbed down country of ours, just have a good look at these answers, crazy or what? So if we aloud to have arms everyone will go around like wild west cowboys?, it's about time the British people grew up.  It's almost mandatory in Switzerland to own a gun, and the crime rate is way down, also you need to study the 'school shootings' that happened in america before jumping to conclusions.  Yes we had the right to bear arms as this right was carried to america, but our government thought it best to extract the teeth from the lion in case it ever turned.

  5. When they want to see their violent crime rates sky rocket like ours.

  6. when have they ever had them?

  7. I'm british, and im demanding my pistol back now! give me it back! i want my pistol now now now NOW NOOOOWWWWWW!!!  

  8. Ask the Canadians,

    Canada's Gun Laws for Americans

  9. From what I know, they are fine with having really tight gun control laws. It reduces crime rates, and reduces the chances that anyone ever gets shot. Why wouldn't that be a good thing? Our country could learn something in that department from them.

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