
When will the Egyptian government end the Gaza siege?

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When will the Egyptian government end the Gaza siege?




  1. when the god d**n hamas ends it's steal of the authority in gaza

  2. when the Gazian people stop terrorist acts against the Egyptian borders.

  3. Hi

    To my knowledge; it's not the Egyptians who put Gaza under siege.

    How ever, the egyptian government; is not trying to escape from its obligation towards the people of Gaza, the only available solution for the dramatic situation, is through negotiations with Israelis and Palestinians,  that's exactly what is the Egyptian government is doing, and recognized by Hamas and Fate7.

    On the other hand the non official organizations are in race against time to offer what  ever relief possible as an aid to the brothers and sisters in Gaza.

    Note that opening the Egyptians borders to Gazaians, is what exactly  the Israelis want, they need to let both the West - bank and Gaza as parts of Jordan and Egypt, to deny the Palestinians any chance of having their own state.

    Palestinians should be aware that it is not in their interest to be fooled by such plan designed by Israelis.

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