
When will the English monarchy be 1000 years old?

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Or how old is it now... I understand the govt's changed but how long has there been kings and queens?




  1. The English monarchy has been around for exactly 1,206 years. Egbert of Wessex has been called "the first king of all England" and "the first king of all the English." He was noted for helping to make Wessex such a powerful kingdom that England was eventually unified around it, and he was "King" from 802 to 839. Because he was accepted as king in Essex, Kent, Surrey and Sussex and for a time also managed to conquer Mercia, he has been called "the first king of all England."

  2. Since the Romans left pretty much. Way older than 1000 by now.

  3. The Kingdom of England was a state (927-1707) located in western Europe dating from the ninth or tenth century to the early eighteenth century when it was legally succeeded by the Kingdom of Great Britain

    but if you want to get technical, the English monarchy died off with Elizabeth I when King James IV of Scotland inherited the throne to England and became King James I of England but the official Union of the Crowns never actually happened until 1707 in which the Monarch became the King/Queen of the United Kingdom

  4. 1927 or 1770s depending on what you mean england wasnt always a unified country after the romans left angles, saxons jutes frisians and a few other all settled in what we call england each with their own little fiefdoms the biggest was mercia and its leader offa is considered the first english monarch but if you mean a united england that would be athelstan two centuries later but the current royal family is not related to them at all.

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