
When will the Good People of the United Kingdom ever get rid of the Royal Family?

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So many countries around the world have freed themselves from their Monarchy such as France,Germany,Russia,China,Mexico,USA, and many others,when will the people of the UK ever do the same?What's taking them so long?The Royal Family have never worked a Day in their Lives,they don't even have real jobs,the decision to remove them should be placed on the voting ballots for the people to decide.

That way they can decide if they want to keep being subjects of the queen or to become citizens for once in their life.Why do so many people think they need the wisdom of Prince Charles to get by? Will the people of the U.K. ever wake up and wise up?

There's a lot of problems in America,but any citizen there can become President and no one kneels to anyone unlike in the UK where you have to kneel on bended knee to the Queen (what the h**l for?)




  1. I totally respect the Queen she has dedicated her life to this country since 1953.....I do agree that the rest of them are much to be desired....Tourists flocked to see our heritage and that brings in a nice revenue..HOWEVER the alternative is a president ...NO THANK YOU......its bad enough having a prime minister and their voted in by the people....oops well most to Russia didn't they murder the whole royal family...very democratic........As to kneeling before the Queen we don't so please try and get some of the facts correct.......So my only comment is if you are British (which I doubt) value the heritage of this country and stop demoralising it further and if your not a British Citizen mind your own business and just consider your own countries disastrous choices when electing those in power....

    Edit....You class America as being a democratic are kidding......How many Black Presidents have you had then 0......only for the rich and influential and of course white......I had a dream remember that one........

  2. The Queen or Bush.....hmmmmm.

    The Royal Family or the military industrial complex........hmmmm.

    The House of Lords or pork and special interest groups.....hmmm.

    You know I think I'll keep the Queen. A bow doesn't hurt much and it's not mandatory anyway.

  3. I think you'll find that the monarcy are just media puppets who live comfortable lives in exchange for this service, if its good enough for Bush then why not the royal family. Plus the amount of money we make from tourists is way to big a plus to give up since I don't think anyone in England has ever Knelt down to anyone in the royal family.

  4. Don't mess up the Monarchy.

    When we do not know why they were out there.

    Do some home-work before messing them up.

    They were out there with a purpose for the good of mankind.

    Not at there own whims and fancy out there.

    Learn what the "King and I " were all about.

    Before the "I " get kick on the butts for climbing up the coconut trees and still look green.

    Look in the real world.

    How those who mess up the Monarchy.

    What happen to the "I"?

  5. It's too late to get rid of them.

    And for now,

    they have a very important job I think about.

    So, get used to it! :)

    Take good care!

  6. You obviously have not researched your question thoroughly enough. We, in UK, do not go "down on bended knee" to anyone. Our Monarchy hold very little power these days & are merely figureheads. We keep them because foreign tourists like them, visit our countries & bring in massive amounts of revenue through tourism. Many countries leaders, including USA, have met our Queen & they all went down on bended knee, bowed & curtseyed to her (including George W. Bush).

    Interestingly, I notice that most of the answers from British people are saying that the Monarchy should stay.

    I do not consider myself a "subject" & I am sure that, given the choice, the majority of British people would vote to keep the Monarchy although perhaps not in the future when Charles is King.

  7. Oh dear, i suspect this rant comes from someone outside the UK who knows nothing about the Royal Family. But then i guess that is to be expected. The Royal Family have never worked a day in their lives? They work harder than the Prime Minister please adjust your misinterpreted info. The Royal Family do more and have done more for the UK than any Prime Minister has ever done....and that could include Presidents. And not everyone depends on the wisdom of Prince Charles to get by...but then its nice to know that you think Prince Charles has wisdom. And to go down on bended knee is out of respect.....but you do not do that unless your being knighted. Ordinarily you give a bow from the waist...or if female, a courtsy. When you have been born into a country hat doesn't have or has never had a Royal Family i can understand  your ignorance....but its not your place to pass comment on something you really appear to know nothing about.

  8. If it's a choice between the inbred chinless wonders that are our Royal Family and the likes of Ronnie (FaiIed Movie Star) Reagan, Bill (********) Clinton or anybody with the name "Bush", then give me the chinless guys my vote. At least they have half a brain.

  9. is the R family a burden on any?

  10. What gives me the impression that you're not Brit?

    Liz has no real power - the laws she enacts as head of state are made by the government of the day, which are in turn elected by the public. The only power she really has is to open Parliament - Brit Parliament is known as "The Mother of all Parliaments"

    Haven't you noticed? Globally, When people say "The Queen", it's taken as read that means the *brit* queen. The Pound is brit, unless further qualified.

    We ARE citizens, not subjects - sent me your e-mail addy and I'll send you a jpg of my passport, if you don't believe me.

    We observe tradition over here - and yeah, we've noticed that in the States any idiot can be elected Prez. That fact seems to have slipped past a lot of Americans.

    (sorry to my american buddies for the rant - but you have rednecks in just the same way we have chavs - same thing, really)

  11. The good people of the United Kingdom are citizens. They are citizens of Britain. Queen Elizabeth II does not rule. She has influence because of who she is, but she does not have an active role in the day to day workings of the British government. The British people love her because Britain unlike the U.S. is a much older country where traditions, value and precedent are integral to the identity of being British, and the royals are a part of that. The Queen and the President of the United States are two very different things. I would say the President is more equivalent to their Prime minster.

  12. Yeah, Britain's really being oppressed by the Windsors. Any citizen really can't become President in America, you have to be well-connected and you usually have to be wealthy. Look at America's recent leadership: Bush, Clinton, Bush, and probably Clinton again, sounds like political dynasties, at least the Royal Family doesn't have a great deal of power, the President of the United States is the most powerful person in the entire world, and it seems to be traded off between two families.  The fact is that a truck driver from Alabama probably has zero chance of becoming president or even getting elected to national office.  A truck driver from Manchester probably has zero chance of becoming Prime Minister too.  The American system is hardly superior to the British system.

  13. NEVER!! The Roayl Family is British, will remain British and hope they stay. They have enormous sway in the British public and we are proud to have them. Any citizen in the US who happens to be rich can be President, not sure how much of a chance the average poor black guy has. Land of the Free? Have a laugh. god save the Queen!

  14. oh dear one day you might get a  royal family of sorts one day,

    most country's who no longer have royal family miss them,

    there are other country's that  still have royal family's as well as England,

      also we are British not American & we dont want to be american no real history  not alot going for america realy,


  15. I don't think that will ever happen.

  16. I do believe it will happen.  Once other countries like Australia drop her as head of state it will be easier for us to get rid of them and get an elected head of state.

  17. Oh my word! So many disillusioned people. how many people could live off the obscene wealth of the royals civil allowance not forgetting all the freebies, the royal protection, the upkeep and maintenance of their property, vehicles personal assistants etc. etc. the Royals got to their "privileged" position by killing off our king years ago and claiming the throne, subjecting all the citizens of this country to heavy taxes to build up their wealth. Times have changes the government of this country is by an elected party but the royal family still holds the wealth it has amassed and still receives more in payments than this country will ever see in tourism revenue. Many countries that have got rid of it's royals still have a very strong tourist trade to see the splendid buildings left behind and the buildings are more accessable because there are not areas still set aside in case one of the royals decide to pop in for a few days

  18. I agree. They do nothing but sit in there palaces and take our taxes. It is a stupid, outdated idea. Also, being from Scotland, I very much resent the fact that the rest of the world believe me to be under the reign of this woman. I am a Scottish citizen, not a British one, the queen does not rule me. Unfortunately the whole lot of them are a tourist trap, so will be kept in place as long as they keep the money rolling in.

  19. Pesrsonally I think its a tribute to our decorum and diplomacy.

    Where all these nations barbarically tortured, imprisoned and executed their royalty, we simply said I am terribly sorry but the people thinks its time we ruled ourselves.

    It's called respect. Respect for your heritage and your ancestors.

  20. I've got news for you.Do you think that the United Kingdom would ever want a so-called democracy like America?And unless your meeting the Queen, you don't have to kneel. You don't kneel anyway unless your been knighted. Before you go knocking the Royal Family, get your facts right.There has been Royalty in Britain for hundreds of years. Britain does not bow down to the royals. Wales, Scotland, and Ireland have their own rule and identity.Even us in New Zealand mainly rule ourselves.You can keep president Bush and all his madness. Count yourself lucky britain has supported you so far.Your brave soldiers are dying for a useless cause.

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