
When will the Lebron asskissing stop?

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The guy's head is so big right now after the Turkey game and TIME named him the most compelling athlete in the olympics. What? He is not even the most compelling athlete in team USA basketball. Lastly his lovers are still pushing that he's better than Kobe. WTF man. Why does the media love this guy so much and think he is so interesting? So what if they discovered him early, give credit publicity when its due.

Lebron is fuc**** overrated!!!!




  1. yep, Lebron is the most overrated player in the NBA. more overrated than Pierce now. i mean first is King James like he owns the NBA or some **** and its Lebron the leader. Wade is having a better performance than Lebron.The reason why Lebron gets soo much points is that his team doesnt shoot, so he takes the shot. he is just an ordinary player . since he shoots like 5 for 15. or something like that. the only player that isnt blind is Deshawn Stevenson. at least he knows that lebron is overrated and thats the truth. everybody is blind. plus he got a good core, so he should win a champ already with Big Z and Big ben. and 3 point shooters like Boobie and West and Sczrbik. but he screwed up last year, which prove he cant be a leader

  2. Kobe is one of the greatest players ever, there is no denying it.

    I personally feel that LeBron is a better all-around player than Kobe.

    It doesn't mean that Kobe sucks though.

  3. yo dude shut up take all of lebron points 4rm cleveland and lets see where they would have been who else on that team could put up 30 to 50 somethings points a game b real u r a hater and dont want to give the king his props well face it he's the best that their is and u have to respect his talent so while he's making money you're on yahoo hating go get a job u nobody

  4. I agree, the media does LOVE LeBron to the point where it seems like they're hanging from his jock strap sometimes. But this has been going on since halfway through his senior year of high school. It seems like everything he does the media finds amazing, even if it's nothing really special. He beats the lowly Washington Wizards, and it's amazing. He gets to the finals, and he's the one man warrior. The media just walks around sometimes trying to find something to worship this guy over.

    I'm not saying he's not a great player in the NBA, just that he's the media's favorite great player in the NBA. Other players drafted with him are superstars, like Melo, Bosh, and DWade do not get the same hype Bron Bron does. And out of those, the only one with an actual ring is DWade, yet you're not going to hear anything about how he pulled his team on his back in the finals.

  5. look im not a lebron lover but to be honest i think he's not overated. hes a fantastic player.

  6. *Cough* hhaattteerr *Cough*  ..... LeBron Is One Of The Best. And He IS The Best To Watch...

  7. 18 yr old rookie out of high school averaging 20.9 ( never done before)

    Cavs all time leading scorer over 10,000 points already (fastest ever)

    23 yrs old 30pts a game

    6'8 (i think he may really be 6'9 260 and moves like a guard

    Kobe 18 yr old rookie averaged 8.9 ( didn't start)

    Im not a fan i just know good talent

    Did i say that he took the Cavs to the finals by himself at 22??

  8. They are doing to LeBron what they did to Michael Jordan . That is why people think that Jordan is the best ever, you heard about every single thing he did, every point, ever assist, every rebound. LeBron is good, but I don't see how he is the most compelling athlete in the olympics, I want to see how many gold medals Michael Phelps can win, so I don't know how LeBron got that. He is not better than Kobe, not even close, so people can get that out of their heads now, and if they won't, they are not real basketball fans, just LeBron lovers. What doesn't make sense to me is that he was on the cover of TIME, but he was on the 2004 bronze team, and he is the best on this team? Don't think so. You already have seen the difference with Kobe. He plays defense (something LeBron refuses to do unless it is some highlight block. he only likes highlight plays.) Kobe can score any time he wants. If USA wins Gold, it should be obvious to everyone that Kobe is the difference. If not, they are just ignorant people.

  9. I agree that the media is giving him too much credit. He's a great player and all, but I have rarely heard any media sources mention the other players unless the player is giving a statement about Lebron. I think he does deserve some attention because he does a lot for the team like setting up teammates, scoring, and rebounding, but I think the media should give a lot more credit to Howard since he is the only true center on the team and he has a lot of pressure on his sholders compared to the rest of the team.

  10. AMEN, Preach on, this lebron james *** kissing has gone to a NEW LEVEL, what has this guy done that countless other players have not done before him, there have been numerous players that have done quite a bit more then this butt wipe, How many Championships has he won ?  He is not the saviour for pro basketball. He has never scored 100 points in a game, He has never averaged a triple double for the entire season. When you talk about GREAT PLAYERS, i think of players like Bill Russell, Wilt Chamberlain, Oscar Robertson, Bob Cousy, John Havlichek, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, George Gervin and the list goes on and on, face it Lebron is just another average player, he is only hyped up because the media does this and the fans follow. Lebron is DEFINITELY OVERRATED, since Lebron is so great put him on the court by himself and let him win all the games, if memory serves me right, there are other players on a basketball team (teammates) that also help you win, lets give them some credit. I think he is personally a BALL HOG, when you shoot 30 to 40 times a game and you make half or less to me thats just an average player. Let Lebron go one on one with any of the GREATS that i mentioned above when they were in their prime and they would WIPE the court with him. There were also the colorful players, Darryl Dawkins with his colorful names for his dunks, (The Gorilla Dunk), (The Rim Shaker) and lets not forget Spud Webb winning the Slam Dunk contest.  I could go on and on about WHY this guy is not the greatest but i think i might run out of space so i am just going to end this now.  

  11. personally I HATE the PR blitz that the NBA goes on for at least half a decade for their next "ANOINTED ONE" that Dave and the owners feel is necessary to prevent the NBA becoming the next NHL as far as fan interest is concerned...

    the best thing to do is to allow these things to develop NATURALLY like: Russ v. Wilt or Magic v. Larry...other than that it's just a ******** TSUNAMI!!!

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