
When will the Queen finally be expelled from Australias currency ?

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We don't need her, we don't want her, so please, please take your Queen of England and keep her! We must rid Australia of her presence! Remove her from our currency, for I love a sunburnt country, a land of sweeping plains, of ruggered mountain rangers, of draught and flooding rains. I love her far horizens, her beauty and her jewel sea, her beauty and her terror, the wide brown land for me!




  1. Can we Brits be first.

  2. "of RUGGERED mountain RANGERS" ROTFL you ignoramus.

  3. Please don't hold your breath, because I don't think this will happen soon.

    best of luck to you!

  4. What's wrong with the Queen ?

    Little one.

    Decode this lyrics " You raised me up"

    Notice the green coconut that drop off rolling down the shore that float down to the river to the open sea?

    Took quite sometime to reach Australia.

    After having grown with young shoot.

    That grew into a big tree.

    Now it's time to say good-bye "Mum"

    Decode this lyrics " Mother"

    Luke 9.55-56

    What do you think?

  5. hopefully never.

  6. When Australia becomes a Republic that will be phased out.. The next referendum wil be a fair one under our new prime minister, not like the one Howie had written in such a manner it was not safe to vote yes.

  7. Speak for yourself Wayne A!

    The Queen is Queen of Australia, too, and she's got a perfect right to be on our currency.

    It was only a few years ago a referendum said that the majority of Aussies still want the Queen as our Queen, so let's not get all excited because there are a few who don't.

    You'll have to prove your case, first!

    Cheers :-)

  8. You'd better be goin' back to the auld queens'  schools cos ye can'nae spell the auld english like us New Irish/Scots.

  9. If we become a republic. I don't see any problem with her, she just sits up on her throne minding her own business, its good to know we have the security of the commonwealth if we ever go to war or something like that. I dont think we have mountain rangers in Australia, we have ranges though, and draught, are you talking about beer, or do you mean drought, and horizens, are you talking about the credit card, or horizons? I personally think we need to rid Australia of American terms and concepts, eg. using the word jail instead of gaol.

    Also, a referendum was held a few years ago, and we, as a nation, decided to keep the Queen.

  10. Eh? What has Our Brenda got to do with a description of Aus's better geographical bits? And guess what - maybe we don't want to lend our Queen to you lot either - get your own figureheads to moan about!

  11. Yeah, maybe you should be advocating against being part of the Commonwealth rather than the money, its kinda hard to have one without the other

  12. Please send me all the despicable currency you have with the image of the Queen.

    I will replace it with the equivalent in a currency free of such offensive images. e.g. Euro or US dollar.

    Of course there may be a small handling fee.

  13. I would imagine the Queen would cease being part of the currency once the country is no longer part of the commonwealth. I think Australia would have to declare this in the house of commons first.

  14. We Dont Want her !!!!,You mean you dont ,Lots of Australians do ,theres nothing us mere Brits can do about it ,No good asking us You will have  to get it passed through your parliment system first ,Before she is taken off of coins ,

  15. i guess not. wow that's quite deep. you're really poetic. really really poetic. i guess it's just culture you know. the aussie government is probably just a bit lazy to change the bills. and what would you put on the bills anyway if they changed it? a couple of birds and fish and people? as long as money serves its purpose, i don't mind much as long as i can buy stuff with it.

  16. NO, you keep her...because most of us british don't want her either, at least you don't have to pay for her to live in her massive palaces and wave her ******* hand with your taxes. Hopefully next time she and her family visit Austrailia they'll all get poisoned by your wildlife and die!

  17. To be honest with you, I am not a Royalist either.

    BUT .. at the moment, basically, the world is divided up amongst The Commonwealth of Nations and America and at the moment we are all friends.

    If you jump ship from us you will fall straight into the jaws of America.

    We love Australia very much and the good feeling for the Aussies and their welfare is deeply entrenched in the hearts of the entire Commonwealth I am quite sure of that.

    So stick with the devil you know.

    Maybe you can accept the Queen`s head upon your coinage as a symbol of that affection and respect.

    Your question was very poetic though...but remember blood is thicker than water.

  18. When Australia is no longer part of the Commonwealth, her Majesty's picture will disappear from Australian currency.  Why are you so much against the Queen?  She seems like an OK person to me, and certainly never has done anything to harm Australia.

  19. Good on you for your love of our fair country......but we DID have a referendum not so long ago, and the majority wanted her to stay. So...since we are a democracy, she stays.

    By the way, if we did get rid of her, who do you think would be on the coins....some d$$$-head like George Bush? No thanks !

  20. Australia is a democracy mate - so go vote for it

    No need to be so abusive to her though, since she has done nothing at all even remotely "bad" for Australia, but then, some people are just dickheads arn't they !!

  21. Didn't Australia vote just a few years ago to still recognize the Queen (or something like that)?  I'm not too up on this topic, but when I heard that story, I thought the land down under was perfectly willing to stay under -- her thumb, that is.

  22. In addition to the United Kingdom, Elizabeth II is also Queen of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Jamaica, Barbados, the Bahamas, Grenada, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, and Saint Kitts and Nevis, in each of which she is represented by a Governor-General.

    So, no. She will not be removed from the currency of Australia.

  23. tomorro

  24. Well, I think Australia is still a commonwealth of United Kingdom, and as long as it stays like that, I think the currency will still have the image of the Queen.  If it's not a Commonwealth anymore, well, maybe they're already deciding in changing their mints.

    This is also the reason why Australian Forces uses the same Standard issue weapons as the British defense forces (The L85A2 Rifle).  Their special forces too, is named after the British SAS; the Australian SASR.

    They are a part of the British Commonwealth of Nations, established between 1931–46. An association of states and their dependencies, comprising Great Britain and a majority of the countries formerly in the British Empire, as constituted by the Declaration of London in 1949. The British monarch continues as symbolic head of the association. Its language is English and its aims are cooperation and understanding among nations. The organization has no constitution, no legal standing, and no legislative, executive, or judicial function. Every two years the heads of the Commonwealth meet for semi-formal discussions in a different venue. In 1965 a Commonwealth Secretariat headed by a Secretary-General was set up in London as a clearing-house for information and a source of advice on technical cooperation. The Commonwealth Institute, founded in 1959 and based in London and Edinburgh, promotes aspects of the culture and heritage of Commonwealth Nations. The Commonwealth Games are held every four years in different Commonwealth cities. The member states are: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Botswana, Brunei, Cameroon, Canada, Cyprus, Dominica, Fiji, The Gambia, Ghana, Great Britain, Grenada, Guyana, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, St Christopher and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and the Grenadines, Samoa, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

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