
When will the US economy improve ?

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When will the US economy improve ?




  1. usualy when we are in a repression electing a democrat helps

  2. The US economy remains the biggest and most influential economy in the world.

    National Debt of $9,000 bn (65% GDP

  3. The imports will kill us! Reduce Imports and find ways to use clean energy. Pay back the money we owe to other countries. Help people out with there debt to credit companies. It wont improve! It's going down hill! I give it 10-20 years and we will be a second or even a third world country!  

  4. When people pay off what they owe and start living within their means, as well as learn the magic word "NO" I do not need that!

  5. As soon as economic growth starts to become positive again. With such a robust economy as the US, it wont be long before it bounces back bigger and stronger than before. As soon as the leaking trillions into Iraq stops, that will help too!

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