
When will the US leave the recession we're entering?

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Let's not be cynical when answering this question. Every person who knows a little about Capitalism will understand that recessions are to be expected (sometimes even depressions). The US currently finds itself in a recession which makes the Euro the top currency in the world at the moment. When will the recession end, and what goals both economically and socially does our country have to meet to balance out again?




  1. Stop reading into what the media says :)

  2. Who said we are entering a recession? A recession is 2 straight quaters of negative econmoic growth, we haven't had 1 quater of negative economoic growth.

  3. The economy will pick up in a couple of years once the credit crisis has passed. This is assuming that gas price go down which will never happen.

  4. probably never, a permanent slide into the third world.

  5. Let's do be clinical.  Since a recession requires two consecutive quarters of negative growth, just which two quarters are you referring to?

    MSNBC is in no way in love with the current administration.  They will paint this economy with the blackest brush as they can find.  The best they could do is a dark gray.  If you read the article below you will see there is NO recession.  Some stagnation but no recession.  We do need 3% plus to start creating jobs but just because we aren't creating 100,000 jobs a month does not a recession make.

  6. As soon as it turns into the depression it's headed to .

  7. Recessions also always start to take place just before presidential elections..because of the uncertainy. The cycle will end, and the economy will pick up. People just have to purchase things..the new car, TV,washer, dryer, etc..

  8. Hmm I don't mean to be cynical either, but from what I heard we are not in a recession.  However, we may enter it sometime.  Regardless, it will take some time for the economy to grow and get back.  According to a prediction by Mr. Henry Paulson, the US Treasury Secretary (who spoke on Face the Nation- Sunday), the slow economy will need months.  I think it may take a year...but months at the minimum.  Things need to be stabilized...and inflation must be controlled.  Some tax cuts could be provided [but not to rich], and some extra stimulus may be needed.  I just hope the economy will get better soon (the growth in GDP may turn negative in the future...we are not in a recession bc the GDP has been growing...)

  9. I believe that the economy will pick up in about 2 years from now depending on inflation, banks stability and fed interest rate control

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