
When will the USA become a socialist state ?

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Great answers.I am not a communist..! From what is going on this is where we are headed..i wondered what others thought.. What can we do ? No uprising we do not need this




  1. the day after Obama is elected president.

  2. We are a Socialist state.

  3. never. you commie

  4. Where have you been? The International Socialist Welfare Police State that the Republicans and Democrats have given us is alive and well the trappings of the degenerate democracy that replaced our Constitutional Republic not with standing... NOTE: It is the residue of that Republic that has allowed us to last this long!

  5. Andy here,

    When the government is all Liberals. It's heading that way here in Iowa and the middle class is feeling it.


  6. If you ask folks on the extreme right of the political spectrum, it became a socialist state under FDR'd New Deal program-the one that brought us Social Security, Welfare, & a host of bureaucratic agencies.   For other's it was LBJ's Great Society programs (including Medicare & Medicade).   For the rest it will be if Senator Obama suceeds to the Presidency.

    The reality is that the US will never be what the Europeans consider a "proper" socialist state:  The power of the multinational corperations is too strong, the revulsion vis a vis commmunism too deeply entrenched, and the historical examples of the socialists states which have already come before (or are in current existence) too evident.

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