
When will the Washington Generals win?

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I recently came up with a foolproof strategy for making money. I bet $1, and then if I lose that I'll bet $2. If I lose that I'll bet $4, and keep doubling it if I keep losing. Eventually I'll win one and recover my losses. I've been betting on the Washington Generals to beat the Harlem Globetrotters, but so far they've lost a bunch of times in a row. I had to sell my car.

Don't you think the Generals are due for a win soon?




  1. Eventually they will win... Don't give up hope!

  2. They have to be due.  Nobody can lose all their games.  They'll win eventually.  If you need to, just mortgage your house and/or your soul.

  3. Sounds like a good strategy to me. Of course you could just consult a psychic like I do. But then again I've just had to take out a 2nd mortgage on my house. I just haven't found a true psychic yet though I'm sure. Don't you think I'm about due to find one though?

  4. The quail of doom concurs.  they are do for a win.   would you like to play strip betting.  i will take the globetrotters seeing as how i enjoy being nekid.


    I'd still do you, though.

  6. It should happen any time now, just keep betting.  You still have a house to sell, I hope.

  7. The Bible itself says, "All things come to those who wait."

    That was either the Bible or Oprah, same thing.

  8. Or you could just start betting on the Globetrotters every time.  But what do I know?

  9. Never bet against the globetrotters!

  10. If they ever play the Sacramento Kings, it's a lock for the Generals.

  11. That's why there are betting limits. Don't pursue this strategy.

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