
When will the airline industry recover?

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I am considering a career as an airline pilot. Every day on the news there is something regarding pilots being layed off and fuel prices forcing companies into bankruptcy. Hearing of these things is really discouraging me but the way I see it is that people will always need to fly so the airline industry can't disappear. When do you think the airline industry will begin to blossom again?




  1. My Personell experience is that its the first to be affected and the last to recovery on economic downtime.

    Back when 911 happened I was working for Trans States airline ( a small commuter airline), a bunch of pilots and flt attendents were on lay-off.  Even Mil contract work was affected.

    I think you would be better off being a Corp pilot or a cargo pilot instead.

  2. Never.  The airline industry has always been sick, barely profitable, and unreliable--and always will be.

  3. Whether the economy gets better or not, it'll take until early 2009 for fuel prices to stabilize.  Then another year for the industry to trim capacity down enough to charge prices that will cover costs.  Keep in mind that thousands of furloughed pilots awaiting recall will be ahead of you.

  4. The airline industry will recover once the econmy gets better, most likely when we get a new president. Then gas will go low and airlines well have money... :)

  5. It will get better when they realize when business is bad, customer service improvements can sell tickets. The whole experiance of flying these days is becoming a horrible hassle and many changes need to happen to increase the publics love of traveling by air again.

  6. When oil prices get better and they start flying newer and more fuel efficient planes.

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