
When will the children learn that Boxing beats MMA?

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MMA is already proof. Just look at what happened to Tim Sylvia. Fedor wouldn't even last in a professional boxing match. If Fedor beat him in 36 seconds, just imagine what Mike Tyson would of done. In UFC, James Irvin got the fastest knockout in 8 seconds. These mma fighters can't even take a punch. It's hilarious. Anderson Silva caught this James Irvin character and he went done. Please, tell your best fighter Fedor to try to throw wild punches like that against a pro boxer, and let's see what happens.




  1. Boxing while a great sport and Style only uses the hands for attack and defense, while MMA uses everything, locks, holds, chokes, kicks and punches. So saying that a style that only uses one type of attack and defense is better then a multiple of styles that use 4 or 5 styles of attacks and defense is ignorant to the facts that have been provided and maybe even just plain stupid.

  2. watch ufc 1.  theres a reason boxers stopped competing in no rules fighting.  they get defeated rather quickly, as most street fights end on the ground.  asking fedor to fight in a boxing ring is as stupid as asking a pro boxer to fight in an mma ring. they would get annihilated.

  3. Put a mma fighter with standup skills, in a boxing compeition , and they will stand a far better chance then a boxer in a mma ring.  And as wild as they look, he takes people out. He is as skilled of fighter as they come. You cant even call  boxers fighers, its just one tiny part of all of combat sports. Its very limited. If you think your boxing is so good, i dare you to go you youtube and search boxing vs. mma and see how fast they are done.  Boxing does not beat mma, and never will in any situation out of a boxing ring.

  4. first off, your a moron. second no straight up boxer would last in an mma fight. punches would only take you so far in an mma fight. and if fedor threw wild punches at a boxer, the boxer would not stand a chance cause fedor punches are much harder, even if tyson or holyfield were to block them, they would still have no chance at all.

  5. your a shmuck, Sylvia uses his hands almost identical to a boxer, he practically boxes his whole fight, he threw a straight jab and fedors looping hooks got him... i was one of the rare people whoe thought sylvia was going to KO fedor, dumb me

  6. I CANNOT BELIEVE there are boxing fans out there that are STILL incredibly ignorant about MMA.  Give it a rest already, will you?

    They are different sports! Ok??  I have no idea what the h**l is wrong with being a fan of both sports, like I am.  

    1) They use 4 oz. gloves (it protects the hand AND allows grappling) THAT is why some knockouts happen quickly, wheras in boxers use at least 8 oz gloves.  So, basically your ignorant and wrong, and must not really be much of a boxing fan either if you've never seen a quick knockout in boxing.

    2) Since you think boxers can somehow magically take a punch better, ask a MMA fighter to punch you in the face, after you come to, hopefully you'll realize how ignorant and wrong you are.

    3) I would have loved to seen Mike Tyson as a MMA competitor.  That would have been fantastic.  But unless he developed a full MMA skillset he wouldn't have a chance against a Fedor or Couture or even a Sylvia.

    4) Fedor throwing wild punches?  What the h**l are you talking about?  Name ONE boxer with his accuracy, speed and power (well, maybe Cotto):

    I have no idea how these stubborn old school boxing types feel threatened about MMA.  I love both sports, there's nothing greater, if you can't enjoy both your missing out.

  7. Let's take a ride in the Time Machine,,, "Here we go..."

    Thunderlips VS. Rocky Balboa (Rocky III)

    Thunderlips wipped the ring with him.  Right?

    Let's take Mike Tyson at his prime VS. Fedor The King

    Oh! What's that Fedor just shot and took Tyson down.

    Fedor rollled Tyson up, and a pure full rear naked choke.

    Is that Tyson's trying to tap?  Yep! Tyson tapped!

    20 seconds into the 1st round.

    Boxers are great athletes, some have hands that have been clocked at 100mph

    But, boxers are not taught take downs, or take defense.

    Boxers are not taught submission holds.

    And Fedor would defeat most of the heavyweight boxers in the world, with the exception of Butterbean. Only because Butterbean I believe has the raw power to KO Fedor with 1 punch. (Most others including Tyson could not)

    Tyson would need a series of combinations to set up the punch, and Fedor would take Tyson down before the series is finished.

  8. WELL WELL WELL!!!! LETS LOOK AT A BOXER WHOS WENT INTO MMA(JEREMY WILLIAMS) AND WE WILL LOOK UP (ANDERSON SILVAS) BOXING RECORED AND COMPARE!!! ill post the very best mma fighter against a b fighter boxer, now this will make everybody here look stupid!! anderson silva has has a boxing recored of 1-1 and has been kcocked out on in boxing. now jeremy williams is a b rated boxer and is 5-0 in mma so there you have it!!!!!!!!!!

  9. So your telling me that there are are no quick knockouts in boxing? the fastest knockout in boxing is 10.5 seconds. Look it up. Since Fedor knocked out sylvia in 36 second, tyson would have lasted about 30 since he has that much less ground game than sylvia and then would have tried to bite his ear off. Its a totally different sport. You cant compare these to fights to boxing. Have you seen Liddel vs Silva. They stood and exchanged blows the whole match and took them. Dont hate on MMA because its towering over the plummeting sport of boxing right now. Give it up

  10. Wow, Fedor wouldn't swing wild punches like that against a pro boxer.  He would probably understand that his opponent has superior striking skills, so he would avoid as much stand up fighting as he can.  Fedor would go to his Judo and Sambo roots.  He would look to close the distance, get in the clinch, take him down, look for submissions or just go ground and pound.  What's the boxer going to do when that happens?

    Please, tell Mayweather to try to fight against the likes of grappling maestros, Shinya Aoki or BJ Penn.

  11. Really depends on who you are.  MMA is a great outlet for college wrestling's best.

  12. god your stupid,,, whydid pansyboy mayweather run his manpleaser about mma just to back down like a gutless woman when AndersonSilva stepped up and decided to BOX him???  cuz mma fighters are just that,,,FIGHTERS ... and boxers are just boxers,,, as far as your ignoran "cant even take a punch"comment,,,well your boxers wear pillows on there hands,,,mma dont,,, so shut ya polepuffer jr,, go read a book

  13. You've got to be joking. There have been plenty of boxers try MMA, the problem for them has always been....that they LOSE!!!! They either get taken down and are clueless as to how to get off the bottom while somebody sits on top of them and pounds their head into mush or they try their "boxing" bob and weave and run face first into a kick or a knee. Boxing has it's place my man, but MMA isn't going anywhere and is most definitely a much truer test of your "real life" fighting skill. And just so you know, I boxed competitively for several years. Too many holes in the game though especially if you are talking real life and death ability to defend yourself.

  14. Foolish post. All evidence points to MMA fighters beating boxers. Someone else already mentioned this but it's worth saying MMA fighter is better at boxing then a boxer is at MMA.

    Oh.....and as far as taking a punch? Yeah, boxers wear 10oz plus gloves.....MMA....4oz gloves simply to protect the fighters' hands. I'd love to see a boxer take a punch with 4oz gloves.

  15. put a boxer in a mma match and let him only use boxing, and you will see a boxer get a serious beating

    put a mma fighter in a boxing match and he'll at least do somewhat ok even with the best boxers. he may not win, but he'll do "ok" at least.

    theres alot of talk about mayweather vs chuck liddell. chuck liddell is alot better at boxing than mayweather is at mma.

    in a boxing match chuck would probably lose, but he'd still get his licks in.

    in a mma match...chuck would take mayweather down and the fight would be over in seconds. there is just no comparison.

    boxing is great for what it is...but its only boxing. there are so many things a boxer isnt used to defending against...let alone attacking with.

    i love boxing and itll always have its place...but mma is tougher and more exciting...and more complete.

  16. MMA and Boxing are two totally different sports. If were a Boxer I would not go into the Octagon either becasue I am useless off my feet. and Vis Versa why would someone who is d**n good on the ground want to compete in a ring where he can not go to the ground. Each Sport/Art has its ups and downs..... None is better than the other some have better characteristics than others but noe is better than the other....

  17. Sorry, but I disagree.

    The problem is that boxing is a sport, not a "fighting style".  The UFUC is also a sport, but with different rules.  So a boxer probably won't win in a UFUC fight, and a MMA fighter probably won't win in a boxing match.

    A boxer, though a superb athlete, will lose against an equally skilled martial artist, because- among other things- they are not trained to fight with kicks, low strikes, or grappling.

    In 1988, Mike Tyson got in a street fight and broke his hand.  Why?  Because a boxer always wears boxing gloves, and so doesn't know how to throw a proper punch when not wearing them.

  18. well i guesss they would say that when a boxer gets out of an arm bar or a triangle....there may be more punching power in boxing but there are way more aspects of mma thats why the mma fighters who box might loose they dont spend all their time punching and training punches its a simple thing of what you train nothing more....

  19. No, Disco.  Most MMA guys have only practiced boxing as a piece of their overall fighting package.  And I'm surprised that none of the MMA people here aren't mentioning the fact that MMA guys have more range with their kicking skills.  Even low kicks to the legs can be very effective, and give boxers trouble getting in close.  I don't know why everyone has to c**p over sports they aren't fans of.  Both are good in their own way.  

    But boxers, if boxing was the best and only way to win fights, why wouldn't all the MMA guys stick with punching?  That's what wins, right?  Why practice grappling, kicking, or clinch fighting?  It's all about boxing, so that's all you should do.  As a matter of fact, you're right, every fight has always ended on a punch.  

    So the argument is ridiculous.  Why do we keep having this crazy discussion?

  20. okay let me put it this way

    MMA>Boxing in MMA

    Boxing>MMA in Boxing

    Different sports FYI Fedors been doing boxing since he was 10 Id like to see any Heavyweight fighter on neutral ground(Kickboxing). Besides a chin is something some have some dont it's the same in boxing or MMA.

  21. I wouldn't go that far, right now the MMA is exploding with new talent so you don't see the full scope yet, the UFC has been around awhile though, and some of the greatest fighters I've ever seen came out of that organization, if you'd like to go back to when they were in there prime I'd love to see Hoice Gracy choke out Mike Tyson, and Ken Shamrock wasent always with the WWE, do some home work

  22. arnt most MMA fighters just failed boxers?

  23. When are boxing fans going to realize Boxing is a martial art?? Honestly, when are Boxing fans going to stop coming in our forums and and stop whining about a new, better sport taking over? Besides, fedor isn't a boxer. So how did boxing beat mma in that fight? Fedor is an MMA fighter. Besides, fedor didn't win by punches, he choked tim silvia out.

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