
When will the crazy airline fees?

by  |  earlier

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It's crazy! US Airways is going to charge 2 dollars for ALL drinks including juice and soda. Tap Water is free though. Beer will be about $5. FIrst they charge you for the second bag and now the first as well What's next? Charging for bathroom use?




  1. well they saw the gas companies making bank and said humm we could charge for all sorts of extras and blame it on gas being so high

  2. Yes:  $2 for "Number 1" and $10 for "Number 2".

    Looking out the window: $1/minute

  3. Ok here's the thing. Airline tickets haven't increased in price in over five years while fuel prices have continued to climb. All airlines are going into survival mode. There is no alternative. Everything is now going to be al la carte. If you want it... pay for it... They can't keep up with the slumping economy and rising fuel costs. The way I look at it is if they don't start charging these additional fees there aren't going to be any airlines to fly on. Frankly I want to keep my job.

    Don't be mistaken. Its not the airlines that do not allow liquids through security. That's TSA and is not at the jurisdiction of the airlines. Also, if you have a medical condition such as diabetes and need liquids such as juice to regulate blood sugar you are allowed to bring that through the security checkpoint.

    If you don't like the new fees. Don't fly. Simple as that. I'm tired of hearing everyone complain about all these charges that and nickel and dime this. You can always drive and waste half of your vacation. Guess what... Your going to have to pay for your own drinks then too...

    Hotels have had this system for years... Pay for what you use...

    It's not the airlines responsibility to feed you and give you drinks. It's their responsibility to get you where you want to be.

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