
When will the dollar strengthen?

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Will it get stronger after the results of the Presidential Election in November?




  1. for the next 5 years, there is absolutely nothing to do in the US.

  2. I don't think it will be stronger in that short amount of time. Maybe in a couple of years but I still doubt that.

  3. so long as the oil prices remain this high , i doubt that the dollar will strengthen..

    so just hope that the oil prices fall back to the old 35$ mark

  4. Depends on who wins.  It also depends on how the next president reacts to changing market forces.  If he reacts wisely, the dollar may strengthen over a period of a few years; if he doesn't, well, we may have to wait another four or five years.

  5. I'm thinking between 1 year, and 1 1/2 years.  Probably closer to 1 and 1/2.

  6. The Fed needs to raise interest rates and the dollar should strengthen.   Interest rates and inflation have a adverse relationship.

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