
When will the economy be fixed?

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How long do you think it will take for everything to be good again?




  1. It takes a year or two after a bubble bursts for the stupid behavior to be shaken out, then businesses are lean and mean and ready to grow again.

  2. I'm guessing about a year.  Anywhere from 1-3 years.  But the latter estimate is very pushing it.  I honestly expect it to be better in a year.  The economy is tough and will make it through many problems.  I may be optimist, but hey it went through crises much bigger than today's issues and it made and got stronger, so it will be okay, perhaps in 1 year or a little more.

  3. It will depend upon the policies of the next president.  If McCain or Obama follow the policies they have promised, then in one to two decades all will be well.  If they reform government in a Margaret Thatcher type way, I would say in two to three years.

  4. Economy works in a cycle.

    Just like seasons there are summer winter autumn and spring.

    So long as the roots are strong the economy isn't broken.

  5. We should stop demanding that things be "fixed" to our benefit and start helping ourselves. Depending on a "good" economy to help you out is much like betting on a roll of the dice. There are always "good times" out there for people who have skills and are willing to work. It's the people who simply drift with the tide that are most affected by the whims of the day-to-day economy.

    Take charge of your own fate instead of hoping that the economy will go up or down.

  6. It will be many years. The only thing a person can do is make themselves valuable, know how to invest and manage money. If not enjoy servitude.

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