
When will the first Diesel-Electric Hybrid be introduced in the US?

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They already have them in the EU




  1. Have them in the US as well...  Seattle has over 200, and Philadelphia has 30 or so for example.

    See link for cities, manufacturer and number of buses in service/on order.

  2. Madison WI has the buses.

  3. Hard to say.   A California company named Aptera wanted to make a diesel hybrid, but they couldn't find a small diesel engine that could pass California emissions standards.  Diesels still have problems with NOx and particulate emissions.

    Once those problems are solved, I'm sure we'll see some diesel hybrids in the US.  However, solving those problems will reduce the fuel economy of the diesel engine a bit.

  4. Diesel cars are not popular in the U.S. for some reason. A few pickup trucks are available with diesel engines, but the only diesel passenger cars I know of that you can buy in the U.S. are Mercedes and Volks Wagon. So I would guess that it will be a long time before a diesel electric hybrid passenger car is sold in the U.S. Of course diesel railroad locomotives are all actually diesel electric hybrids, but you want to know about cars, right?

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