
When will the gov't stop lying to Americans? Yes, I understand somethings have to stay concealed, but C'mon!

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I believe the gov't needs to stop lying about the main reason behind the war and gas prices.

What was the initial reason behind the war??? Let me give you a hand.....

1st reason, WMD(weapons of mass destruction), 2nd reason, S. Hussien, 3rd reason, Stabilize their gov't, 4th reason, Zarkawi, 5th reason, Democracy, and finally the truth came out a couple days ago an Oil Law....hmmmmm!

Gas prices being raised because of supply and demand! Bull! There is enough oil out there and OPEC is controlling the prices. Its reported that the comfort zone is around $4.10-$4.15, meaning anything over that will change the social classes from 3 to 2, getting rid of the middle class. So next time you hear the news, pay attention to the bull that they are feeding you.




  1. we need mr. focker and the human lie detector of pam's father to run for office.

  2. ah, new to America are you?????....hate to break this to you,but your complaints have been echoed by others who are long dead and gone on one subject or be quite frank, more things could probibly be brought out more, but to tell the truth, a WHOLE  lot of people are too stupid to tie their shoes,much less handle the kind of world changing issues that demand that cooler heads prevail. Im glad not everybody has an imput on some things,or we'd all be dead by now!! That's why we put them where they are, and call them leaders.....put it on a smaller scale, do you actually think everyone at AT&T gets to voice their opinion on what that company does day in and day out??Get real.  They have leadership that make the decisions,  bad or good. No doubt over history,we could've used better leaders, but frankly we could use a whole herd of finer followers too....and I'm not speaking of 'blind obedience'...I'm just saying fewer 'whiners' the first time things don't  go according to their own personal agendas! I've noticed over the years the biggest experts on running government are all working someplace else---explain that to me?

  3. Yes we have been lied to and betrayed and yet the numb skull Repulicans just rambel on about how bad of shape the countrys in because of the Democrats.

    Who in the heck has broght this BS upon us not the Democrats but the Republicans who have been in office for the past eight years. I'm sick of of it and will never vote for McCain no matter what lies are promised to us.

    Look at Bush and all those promises he made and he has'nt kept a one but he has made things alot worse thats for sure.

    Everyone says Bush cant do anything about gas prices but just watch what happens if he starts a war with Iran yet the gas prices will go out of sight.

    It's time we get out of the civil war we are in and invest the money thats being thrown away by the millions of dollars into our ecomomy because that will boos the value of our dollar.

    Obama 08

  4. I don't recall the GOVERNMENT saying that gas prices are being raised because of supply and demand...the last person I heard feed us that load of $*** was OPEC. Didn't Congress call in the big wigs from the oil companies for a hearing not long ago?

    I have known (and so have most other sensible Americans) for quite some time that our oil reserves are just fine - OPEC's price gouging, because they know we're dependant on oil.

    Ah, s***w it...I'm moving to the U.K. first chance I get.

  5. You are on the right track, but I think you do a disservice to yourself when you use a general term like 'the government'.  Let's put a more specific name to this problem.  It's NOT 'the government'.  The government includes people like my postal worker, and the social worker who helps sexually abused children.  No, sir, 'the government' is NOT to blame.

    The AMERICAN PEOPLE are to blame.  Why would I say this?  Because, by law, 'the government' is our responsibility.  However, we are so lazy that we gave our freedoms to the politicians in return for an 'easier' life. our citizens don't have to worry about the 'little' issues (like whether invading Iraq and outlawing box knives on airplanes will really save us from more terrorist attacks), but in return, wealthy politicians are making a fortune and increasing thier power.

    It's time to be honest with yourself.  Americans are NOT worthy of respect.  They are easily led sheep.  As an American myself, this realization makes me ashamed and embarrassed of my country.  Let's just say that on July 4th...I won't be singing any patriotic songs.  I'll be shaking my head, watching my white-trash neighbors celebrate the greatness of spending thier hard-earned dollars on fireworks made in China....

  6. To the extent that we're sadistic little gluttons for punishment like the above post suggests, why do we need the establishment to rape us, will we stop feeling guilty? LABOR is the way to harvest our karma and construct a better country at the same time...not cubical labor, ditch your job grab a shovel and build a fence at the Mexican border for starters...the way things are going, your job will be destroyed soon anyway.

  7. When I said the gov't, it was obvious that I wasn't talking about postal workers, social workers, or smaller branches of gov't workers (Bruce J), but I understand where you're coming from. But anyways, I'm not new to this country, as stated in the last comment, I just wanted to bring a little awareness to the table (Joe F). It was a convo brought up in my Sociology class on wed. and I thought it would be interesting to blog it to see the responses. And to (American Traveler), the gov't allows OPEC to lie to Americans, so basically they are lying to Americans by not correcting what OPEC is saying. But if you want to be technical about the situation, then no, the gov't is not directly lying to Americans about gas.

  8. I agree with everything you said.

  9. Cindymccainondrugs  --

    You’re right, and I’ll take it a step further. The Republican Party has decided to take a dive in 2008 so it can get out from under the mess it has created and make the Democrats take the blame for every Bush Administration failure and disaster.

    Just look at what is going on. McCain has no really strong support from his own Party or the right-wing pundits. Rumsfeld refuses to endorse him, and Coulter said she would vote for Clinton over McCain.

    The Democratic Party is walking into a trap—and if they are too stupid to avoid it, then they deserve to be caught in it.

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