
When will the government recognize mixed people as a race of their own?

by Guest66858  |  earlier

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im mixed, and it gets annoying having to choose to put either white, or black, or other on some kind of official document.

when will the government get out archaic times and get modern and recognize that mixed people is a race of their own, and that we shouldnt have to decide between our heritages?




  1. When you form an interest group that whines about how the government should give special accommodations to your particular mixed race.  Mixed races do not have enough in common with one another to check a box simply titled 'mixed.'  If you are, for example, half white and half black, I, as half white and half Japanese, have nothing in common with you.  Or half Koreans for that matter.  Or other half Japanese.  Identity politics are for malcontents who perpetuate racial divisions.

  2. I'm with you on that. My father is a multiracial hispanic man (meaning he's of hispanic origin (which isn't a race), and is a mixture of white/black/native american, and my mother is white. Because I look like my mother people just automatically imply that I'm (just) white because of my features and their assumption.

    Yet when I mention hispanic, people automatically think its a "mexican race" or that hispanics are a certain sect/race of people (that are dark featured, tanned/brown skinned and dark eyed). Or that I'm "half hispanic" (no such thing).

    I generally have to put "two or more races", if its there, or "other", since technically I'm not hispanic (because I'm not from Puerto Rico, I'm not of full Puerto Rican (or any other latin-based ethnicity) heritage, and I don't speak Spanish), I don't consider myself to be fully white because I do have some black and native american in me and because I don't identify with most white people, but yet I can't call myself native american (because then people think tribes) nor could I call myself black (with my brown spiky hair and light skin, heh....grounds for getting beat up).

    So I just have to settle with being "other" until they decide to just put a "mixed" or "multiracial" label in there....can you already read the confusion in my answer?  

  3. Maybe it might be OK if you check more than one box? Just suggesting.

  4. Mixed race people arent a race of their own becuz their mixed,race/s....duh!

    meaning their a variety of different mixes or nationalities/races, so it wouldnt be standard to put the ''mixed race'' box their when they need to identify what mix you are of.

  5. I'm just waiting for the government to stop asking us to check boxes. Period.

  6. The questions the government asks are for statistics and purely OPTIONAL. You do not have to answer if you do not want to. Also most all paperwork have an option for to check the box if your more or one race/other. You ask ALOT of questions about race. You know I am mixed, but I don't complain. Some people think I'm indian some people think I'm white. I don't correct them. I let them assume what they want. I have many black and mixed friends. I have never heard them complain like you do in all of your questions. You are making a bigger deal out of you situation than what it is. There is still racism out there, but most people keep it to themselves. If you're in alot of situations where you feel uncomfortable about your race, then you're obviously not in a place you need to be (like a KKK ralley). Find a different crowd to hang out with, and quit being so insecure, like the world is out to get you, because they're not!!! I'm so tired of hearing about racial issues. No one wants to let them go.

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