Guys, try to watch you tube, and search for water fueled car and you'll find many vedios there claiming that runing car by water is a real deal! especially the vedio, Water Car ... Daniel Dingel, its true and its absolutely not expensive, this hydrogen cars they are introdusing is missleading! they just want us to believe that hydrogen fuel is expensive than arab,no,no! Mr. government incharge, search the youtube and you'll find many inventors have proven water as fuel, and all you have to do is support it, dont be afraid! be afraid when our mother earth can no longer stand the polution coused by this oil. Its a dirt that we stupidly let our planet eat it. Water is safe, its a food to our planet, but oil is a popoo of the planet but we make it a food. yaks! Daniel Dingel by the way is a filipino inventor, he is 1 of many who proven water as fuel, his government have proven it real but the IMF and world bank stops his government from supporting it. Its a competition. grrr