
When will the housemates vote Rex to go???

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I cannot believe that they haven't voted him out yet. He's such an arrogant chauvanistic eejit!! Maybe the tabloid reports are true and Big Brother is trying to keep him in(although I have no idea why).. I'm dying to see him get howfed out and suffer at the hands of Davina, she would rip him to shreds and possibly make fun of his dopey hairdo!!!!!




  1. ASAP I hope. What a prat....

  2. tru say rex and his girlgot to go they are talking mad **** and they say everything 'boring' and rex thinks his girl had been cheating. He don't trust none and he acts a fool.


    then the better ones who actually do something get voted out

    like luke and bex!!

    there wos something gonna happen there why did they goo!!!

  4. NO. rex to win. hes brilliant :D

  5. they wont they look up to him i bet he makes to the last 4 without going up  

  6. If Nicole goes this week, I've a feeling he will be around till the final end but not win.  People might like him again without  Nicole around to put a dampener on things - I hope not!!

  7. Next week

  8. i hope its VERY soon... Rex gets on my nerves!  

  9. they are obviously trying to keep him in to keep the ratings up. he gets on my nerves, but tune in religously everynight just to see what c**p he has come out with in the last 24 hours. i cant believe that no one in there has had the guts to stand up to him properly and put him in his place. i would have floored him many a time by now if i was in the house for speaking to people the way he does. and i'll tell you something else that gets on my nerves HOW THE h**l CAN NICOLE KISS HIM AND SHARE A BED WITH HIM KNOWING WHAT HE HAS DONE TO HER???? THATS NOT NORMAL SURELY?  i mean, if my man was in there and he had done that to me, yes i would have gone into the house......but i can tell you now, sod the rule of not discussing the outside world......i would have kicked off and laid all my cards on the table, told him where to get off and then walked out of there....then he could go and boil that in his restaurant.......believe it or not, i am usually a calm person and there arent many people i dislike, but by god does rex rile me up something awful.

  10. Yeah, I'd love to see him with Davina, should would be amazing at annoying and taking the p**s out of him, but personally I would prefer to see him walk!

    Hopefully he goes next week, once you are HOH you go up for eviction the week after!

  11. When Nicole goes on Friday hopefully Rex will follow her out

  12. I completely agree with you. I hate Rex? WHY won't he go?

  13. He was immune this week as HoH,hopefully he'll be up next week.

  14. I dont know but he realy has to go, he picks on everyone especialy Rachel about what she eats and that and its realy nasty . he always sticks up for nicole and if anyone says anything to her he always has to but in and protect her . he is also very over protective with nicole and doesnt let her talk t other guys in the house if you have noticed, I WANT THAT BULLY OUT . he needs out . him and lisa :@.

    Mikey or Rachel to win :D.

  15. His time will come..................sooner rather than later , although i like watching him and Nicole making complete @rses of themselves LOL.

    Is it not nominations tonight ?

  16. i hate him but i think if he leaves nicole may leave but i dunno but i use to like him but i i now hate him  

  17. Unfortunately he was immune this week Angela as Head of House otherwise I bet he would have been up with his minging girlfriend.

  18. Davina "rip someone to shreds"?? That'll be the day. She's as good at interviewing as a dead sheep.

    But Rex is brilliant. He's funny and clever.

    Apart from Darnell, most of the other inmates are moronic.

  19. Personally I was thinking the same thing about mohammed, he doesnt do anything, why hasnt anyone voted him out?

  20. Well its Lisa, Nicole and Sara up this week...who do you guess is going if there was any doubt!

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