
When will the international press (and others) stop calling Jamaica "poverty stricken"?

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I know TOO MANY Jamaicans who do not fit that description for it NOT to bother me.

1. We are stricken by reggae music and dancehall.

2. We are stricken by an UNSTOPPABLE SPIRIT to be good at whatever we do.

3. We are stricken by the gift of standing out PROUDLY in a crowd.

Any one want to add to the long list of things Jamaica is REALLY 'stricken' by?




  1. Unfortunately it makes for a better story it seems. No one wants to hear about the successful athletes and/or others who are well off. they want some sob story to pull at the audience (who doesn't know any better unless they are like us, Jamaican) heartstrings and get them to sympathize and stand behind this "uplifting tale". They don't want to hear about the good things, they want the dirt and grit that some had to overcome. In the end it all comes down to how good the story sounds regardless of fact.

  2. Stingjam,people are just ignorant and probably jealous of Jamaica in general! I know I am envious of anyone who lives there! I know many people here in New York that are poverty stricken for real! I have a list........                                                                                              1.Jamaica is stricken by its incredible beauty!

         2.Jamaica is stricken by its awesome beaches with turquoise water.

           3.Jamaica is stricken by its breathtaking sunsets.

        4.Jamaica is stricken by its friendly people.

         5.Jamaica is stricken by the delicious food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

       6.Jamaica is stricken by its beautiful women,and handsome men!

       7.Jamaica is stricken in general by its fun vacation time to be had by many!!!!!!!!!!

         There you have some,I will save the rest for some other people! One love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. I was wondering the same thing.  There are poverty-stricken people everywhere, just like there are really rich people in most countries (including Jamaica). These people need to check out Jacks Hill, Cherry Gardens, Long Mountain, even rural areas like Whitehouse in Westmoreland.  Huge, well-appointed houses are everywhere.  They need to do their research.

    We are stricken by an indomitable creative spirit (we're not just about reggae/dancehall and dancing; we've got literary giants, poets, songwriters ...).  

  4. You want to know why ?? True enough, theres great things in JA, but the bad outweigh that, so the world will ALWAYS see JA as 3rd world until EVERYONE from the PM on down changes things....

    STOP acting rude & indifferent to people

    STOP giving substandard customer service

    STOP taking forever to get things done

    STOP using so much red tape

    STOP littering the streets, streams & the ocean

    STOP the murders & crime

    STOP the corrupt government & police

    STOP the charging of education

    STOP talking about how bad things are & DO SOMETHING

    The list goes on & on, but Jamaica has 500 years of development behind it, the US has half that time & 3 times the result !! Go & practice the tried and true !

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