
When will the left give it up that McCain made a brilliant choice?

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Just a few minutes ago, I saw a news article on Yahoo that Palin did send emails to the department about the trooper in "Troopergate". What the left won't acknowledge is that the man threatened to kill Palin's father and tasered his own 6yr old son. Do they really want to defend this guy? How far will they go?




  1. He picked her solely based on her s*x. That's sexist, not brilliant.

  2. you don't know the hole story,even if you did you'll just hear what you want to hear, your just so blind by republican b/s that now you can not only see , you cant hear as well

  3. JJ , the A to your Q is.........Never.

    The Democrats are going to keep playing the idea that Palin is a bad choice because that's all they can really do. But I think anybody (Liberal, conservative...moderate) that thinks logically can understand that strategically Palin was indeed a brilliant choice.

    Especially after her remarkable speech.

    And yes she has made decisions not to mention she's had more executive experience than Obama...while his campaign takes blows at her and claims that she's only governed 9,000 people...the last time I checked. Obama hadn't governed so much as a business.

    McCain/Palin 08.

  4. There was no threat, and that kid acts up allot, i do not like him, or his dad. But i must say, i think that they only have a problem with how she went about to get it, like they could have called the police instead of just have him fired like that, she also fired a guy for not fireing the cop right away it was messed up.

  5. Why is it so important that we "give it up" and "say she's brilliant"?

    We are not crossing our fingers that you'll give Obama credit where it's due...

    Besides, even if everything in Troopergate is as you say, it's still HER family and points to more BAD decisions and broken marriages...

    Not exactly a "family values" kind of situation, is it?

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