
When will the next Official Scrabble Dictionary come out?

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The last one I've seen was published in Jan. of 2006




  1. It's constantly updated online.  I haven't even seen one in a store in a long time.

  2. Is that the fourth edition?  The fourth is the most recent edition, I beleve.  In my experience there is usually at least  four to five years between editions.   The second edition was 1993, and the third edition was about 2000 I think.  I did see a new Scrabble word book at a bookstore tonight (published by the same publisher as the dictionary).  It was interesting, though I didn't buy it.  It doesn't have any definitons in it, but shows possibilities of building on to words already played as well as just word lists.  It was new to me - I had never seen it before.  It is large - larger than 81/2 x 11, and about an inch thick, so it has a LOT of words - small print and several columns on each page.  You might be interested in that.  If I go to the store again tomorrow I will check the exact name for you and edit this answer.

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