
When will the next solar and lunar eclipse will happen?

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especially in the Philippines?




  1. There's this wonderful software that besides allowing you to "navigate" through the solar system and even beyond in a 3d virtual environment, has an eclipse calculator, with which you can calculate not only the next solar eclipse but any eclipse in the future, and you can even see where it will be better seen.

    I am listing below the website from which you can download it. If you are realy interested in eclipses and solar system stuff you won't regret it. It's not too big the download.

  2. here's the site

    hope it helps

  3. The next eclipse of the Sun is 1 Aug 2008 - real soon.  Here in Michigan, i might see a partial.  The path starts in Canada and makes it's way to China.  One of my club members is going to the Gobi desert to see it.  It's his 8th, i think.  I've seen one total and a couple partials.

    Then, two weeks later, there's a partial eclipse of the Moon.  I don't get to see this one.  Eclipses of the Moon are more common, since half the world sees them at a time.  I've seen several.

    I have some very small binoculars - 7x21.  They fit in my pocket.  In the Winter, when i'm wearing a big coat anyway, i often have them on me.  I got caught in traffic before a lunar eclipse one day and didn't get home before it started as i'd expected.  So i pulled over, pulled out the binoculars, and got a great view.  Binoculars aren't strictly needed, but as the whole moon fits in the field of view, everything's bigger and nothing is missed.  I like it.

    The solar eclipse that i'm most looking forward to is the 2017 appearance.  It crosses the whole of the United States.  It's certainly worth a couple hundred mile drive.

    I've seen the recent transit of Mercury and transit of Venus.  We get another transit of Venus soon.  That won't happen again for something like a hundred years.  Need a solar filter or really good projection for that.

  4. Next total solar eclipse 1/8-2008 (I wish I could be there):

  5. August 1st best view in russia


    NASA eclipse page.  Enjoy!

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