
When will the petrol price hike madness stop?

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In the UK, the cost of driving has effectively increased by 30% in a year. I know we all bleat on about this, but is our government so completely powerless that it is willing to see what's left of the struggling British industry go under because of this obscene price hike? Are they really happy to sit by and watch MILLIONS of people slip below the poverty line because fuel prices are shooting through the cieling? Before the bleeding heart environmentalists tell us all to cycle or walk to work, they ought to remember that a lot of us actually live in rural areas where it is unfeasible to use any transport other than the car-

Come on Gordon, you get over 60% tax from petrol, how's about stimulating the economy that's on it's way out by REDUCING tax on fuel so the hard working families you are so bloody fond of can actually GET TO WORK!!!!




  1. What a great answer Riverdau. Here in rural Aberdeenshire bus services are few and far between, 90% of the railways were shut by the Labour government after the Conservatives commissioned Beeching to cost cut. I think i'll write to my government and ask them to get us more services.

    Just like that.

  2. Look for it to drop considerably by mid July. Oil companies are really cartels a lot of behind the seen stuff goes on and there is supposed to be something uncovered that is going to rattle the entire industry.

  3. The petrol price hike madness will only stop when supply is higher than demand, I think we all know that the world will run out before then.

  4. ANDREW Gordon and BUSH  of the U S A. does not cares about what you & I have to sey!!!. Also d**k CHANY OF THE

    U S A. because they are getting all that they want so what do they care???  It would takes more that our little meanless words to get them to move!! and that's all I will say to you about this matter ANDREW  My Man !!!!!!!!

  5. when everybody stops using it

  6. The problem I have with the petrol prices is that when there is even a rumour of some sort of crisis the price goes up.  Our government reaps the rewards of price increases as the higher the price, the more VAT they get.  It's win win win all the way for them.  Now of course we're finding that food prices are going up because it's costing the suppliers so much more to transport them into their stores.  I suspect it will be this that makes Gordon Brown reduce the tax on fuel as inflation will rise dramatically and he's always been quite proud of his good inflation rates over the years.  The price of fuel itself won't go down, it's up to Mr Brown to stop being so d**n greedy and just reduce the tax on it.  I also suspect that these moves will only happen in the weeks leading up to a general election so he can win some votes as he's not the most popular PM we've ever had is he?

  7. He needs this amount of tax to pay people who don't go to work.

  8. I have a suspicion that the price hike in the west is like having a mild injection of future possibilities.There cant be that much of a shortage if  some Arab states only charge their public 85p per gallon. Its the knock on effect, I now pay £1 per bag extra for animal feed and industry is being hit. Any bets that Brown will suddenly solve the problem to get his ratings up?

  9. Not in your life time.

    Even once hybrids are in full production World gasoline prices are going to go up until a level the market supports

    until the final drops are pumped or steamed or filtered out

    the known accessable deposits. Alternative fuel costs and

    implementation of these technologies will be here for all future

    transportation needs and world expansion of use and needs are never going to reduce until all energy sources are in

    full use and production of renewables are multiple new

    energy industries. With all global markes tapping into these

    sources that best fit there countries production ability.

    We either buy our energy abroad or produce it local

    the local idea as cost escalate will eventually hammer home the cost savings for the amount of gross national output for enrgy expended. We waste more energy on every day sports that create nothing for daily life than entertainment for the

    person performing the sport or the audience that is usually the sports members parents or family. Just count the number of sports parks in your city and then count all the Vehicles

    mostly SUVS or big Chevy tahoes and hummers and or

    large trucks around each park on a saturday and sunday

    then multiply that by the amount of cities in your area

    then use the number to muliply it by the number of counties

    in the state you live then lastly multiply it lastly by 50 for

    every state and your about half the number cause some stateshave twice the number you have of cities as all the rest

    and think each one number your left at times ten gallons minimum for each vehicle of gasoline and you can work out the total cost of one days fuel cost for sports use. now add in the trip to the store for food and another ten gallons to top off the tank. not to take into the account for the commuters that drive thrity miles to work 5 days a week back and forth daily.

    for nothing more than food for the week and a sport event

    on saturday. then you can imagine the amount of fuel wasted on RV's across the USA or all the fishing boats or ski boats

    the motor cycles for track runs not street motorcycles.

    And there is just a tip of the fuel wasted for sport fun.

    If you knew the road fuel cost of trucking store goods and even fueling gas stations the most wasted fuel costs this country spends billions a year to direct ship to keep stores filled to the roofs with stored good. And think of the new

    all the new countries destined to become as well stocked in stored goods as the USA walmarts in all fifty states.

    Then you have a world idea of the next fuel cost we will be seeing and its not ever going to less cheaper than

    it has been unless some other energy supply comes into use

    in the next few years that will surpass the ease of the systyem

    qalready in place to replace the energy output of the oil

    industry a have in place for full world use in a short period of time as the next five years would be a miracle acheivement

    beyond any feat man has perfomed even surpassing the

    building of the alaska pipeline to the continental ?US

    even beyond the egyptians pyrahmids building.

    There is a major reason billions of stock speculators are buying on margins oil contracts and hoding them until

    delivery dates are on the expiration because they know

    prices are on the escalation and they are banking on the

    billios in oil profits the oil barons arent the only ones

    profitting from oils jump from $60 a barrel to todays

    $120 cost per barrel today. Warren Buffet the smartst

    investor bought oil futures back in 2003 when oil costs

    where barely hovering around 48$ a barrel and he said on

    the market wrap up show in late 2003 when he bought

    the contracts he was going to be buying oil til the day

    they cant pump another drop and the grounds no longer producing oil because it was so mucha money cash cow for him over his life time flanked only by the purhase of his

    own home. It was more of a money maker for this billionaire

    than any other investment he had made in his life time.

    So it wont stop invest in oil to offset your daily costs

    of use and insure your investment will offset some of your losses guaranteed. cheers

    sip oil and breath deeper cleaner air.

  10. yes, it is economics of supply and demand.  as soon as people quit demanding the extremely high levels of fuel that they do, then prices will drop.  people still keep consuming huge amounts of fuel, thus right now there is no incentive or reason for prices to drop.

    as far as living in rural areas - there are always choices.  you can either quit the city job and thus quit driving, you can start working from home or telecommuting (even 1-3 days a week would make a big dent in petrol use), you can move into the city closer to your job, you can carpool, you can use trains/buses and if they dont exist get your government to get them provided, and so on.  

    you dont simply have to keep driving and driving and driving.  people lived for over 8000 years in rural areas without cars, it has only been in last 100 years that the car existed out of 8+ millenia.  there are always choices, you just may not like to have to make it.  but dont complain about feasibililty, anything is feasible, as human society has shown throughout history.

  11. I think it will continue to increase but i found out about a new web site there that helps with the cost of fuel. The website address is, go there and check it out.

  12. i agree with you this country as gone to the dogs the only thing that is going to work if the people in this country show the MP'S and Gordon brown that we are not taking any more every one should go on strike to show them we are not taking any more .

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