
When will the press report on Obama, as the Lying creep he is.Can the press tell the truth.?

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Obama has earned the title (Lying creep), and if you do your research you will find that WMD,s have been found and removed. It is Obama that is spitting out the clear lies.




  1. It's not like you're particularly unbiased yourself ("the Lying creep he is"?)

    Apparently bias is in the eye of the beholder. The press is neither uniformly liberal nor uniformly conservative. It is not the job of the media to call people a "lying creeps."

  2. If this is the case, I guess he will blend in with every other politician that has captivated America's heart! George Bush to be exact.  He still has not found those "weapons for mass destruction" has he?

  3. The bias liberal press is looking for the last president to led us into the NAU.

    They will go out of their way to say their golden boy is flawless, and anything and everything the other side does is bad.

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