
When will the recession or depression in Jamaica end?

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It as been going on ever since I was alive? When will the economy in Jamaica get better.




  1. Too much corruption in the government. There is no accountability for anything. One party in power too long. Citizens need to protest for change. Jamaica is too slack in collecting taxes. Its one mess.

  2. I always ask that but we cant help it its so life go each day it get worse its portia fault she lie too much but a other side is how we grow up we grew up more ghetto but we Jamaicans are hard working and we fight for our rights

  3. LOL...It's not at all funny, but I had to laugh.

    I think the consistent decline of our economy and other integral areas of our society will only see a change when the masses, who currently crave the change, stand up and fight for it. Serious change will happen within the next decade, but it will not come from any government.  It will come from the people when they recognize and accept their rightful roles as civil servants' employers and start demanding that they actually do the work that matches their salaries.

    The current ruling party has been a big disappointment for me thus far.  They have shown where their loyalties lie after all that wonderful talk about change.  One of the first things they did when they got into office....changed the libel laws!! Are you telling me that's one of the most pressing problems we have in Jamaica??!!  Then they went after Cash Plus and Olint.  I'm not saying these issues are not to be addressed, but after 18 years of being on the outside looking in, are these really the most important issues we have to deal with as a society.  In the same breath, they continue to shift the corrupt and trigger-happy police officers from one station to the other in as much the same way pedophilic priests are sent from one church to the other.

    stingjam, to attract international investment one has to have an attractive workforce and reasonable security that does not require a bribe and practical import/export laws that enable one to conduct business with relative ease.  

    The revolution will be televised!

  4. NOPE!

  5. Good question

  6. I wonder that myself sometimes!

    It's like one step forward, two steps back

  7. I agree with Webangel.

    The only way the recession and the depression will end is if WE take a stand and do something about it. Sitting around and waiting for a 'change', or waiting on a miracle from God will not solve think as a nation people would have realised that a long time, after all there is an old saying "God help those who help themselves".

  8. In about 10 to 15 years you WILL see a COMPLETE difference. If the change in government has its intended effect on international investment, changes will take place and be obvious to some by the end of this year. However it will mostly be available to those who have varing levels of tertiary education (as new & old companies in strategic development or realignment hunt for staff).

    At best it will take SEVERAL years before a change reaches the lowest tier in national payscales (those earning minimum wage).

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